
Oct 30, 2013

Scary Stuff from Teach in Texas

I know I usually write a bunch of stuff and share parts of Teach's letters with you, but I had to just give you this whole story all by itself. It's one of those times when I am so grateful that we pray for safety every day!

In Teach's words...

It was so terrifying. So scary. I was making some hashbrowns and I put a pot of veggie oil on the stove to heat up- I ran to put my contacts in (which I KNOW I shouldn't have done, but I did). Sister Blood called to me and said my oil had burned out so I was coming to check on it and then I heard a crash a scream and I ran out to find a fire blazing in 2 places and my companion bent over shaking her hand where it had burnt her. I told her to put it under cold  water in the bathroom and I searched for the fire extinguisher. I found one and was so grateful that I'd been taught how to use it. I pulled the pin and put out the fire. 
I went to check on Hermana Blood and the back of her hand below the thumb was bubbling pretty intensely. She was laying on the ground going almost in and out (she says she never actually passed out...) and I tried calling Sister Ames. She wouldn't answer. I knelt down and just prayed to know what my companion needed. I stood up and said we are going to the hospital. I helped her out of the house. I double checked to make sure everything was off and wiped up the spilled oil so the house didn't catch on fire again... we went to the ER and two hours later she was bandaged and on some heavy drugs. 
They say she will lose the skin over the next 6-8 weeks but if she is careful she won't likely lose the mobility of her hand. It was so terrifying. I learned a lot. I am able to keep calm in hard situations but it is the worst feeling when you are stuck in construction at a red light and you can't do anything and your companion is biting her finger to keep from screaming in pain... and all you do is keep your foot on the brake. I felt helpless. But I'm grateful that it worked out. 

Mom. I didn't like it at all.


  1. SCARY! So glad Teach is ok! We'll pray for her companion to heal well

  2. God was with your daughter to help her companion get to the hospital e/r and get some much needed medical attention..What happened could have happened to anyone, one minute something is oky doky the next a fire..She was calm and collected, God is guiding her left and right and she is an able servant and able to do what he wants her to do..God's Blessings to the girl who was hurt..Your daughter is an angel on this earth, it is evident in all she does..How wonderful the many lessons she has each and everyday will be impacting her life forever..God Bless Teach..prayers for the companion young lady for a speedy and non painful recovery..she is being guided and both are guarded day and night..nighty night Mom and Dad and familia too!XX()()

  3. Yikes! I like when lessons get learned in the "not too hard" way. I'm glad everything is okay!


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  5. Sorry I missed the post up and I am re-posting my thoughts.
    That was a super scary moment for your daughter and her companion. Your daughter had been will trained to react and do exactly what she needed to do. I would say she was spirit directed. I do feel sad for her sweet companion. Burns are so painful
    I do know beyond doubt that the missionaries are watched over.
    Sending prayers for them both.
    Blessings, love and hugs to all!

  6. I'm so glad that Teach is okay and that her companion will heal. We pray for her every night, too! scary!
