
Oct 20, 2013

Laid Low

Our internet provider was down last night so I didn't get the opportunity to post. Not that it mattered much, I was too busy cleaning up vomit from my sick little Baby Doll. It started out a regular amazing fall break day. We painted pumpkins at the City Hall where Princess and Prima Donna were running the activity for the Youth City Council.

Then we had lunch and headed out for Sport's football game, which he won, by the way. The kids all dressed in their cheerleader stuff and helped them to victory. Maybe I'm deluded, but I really believe their energy hyped the boys up at half time, because before that it was 0 - 0 and we ended up winning 13 - 0. Some of the dads on the other side saw how much good we were doing and they even started cheering, but it was too little, too late. Ok, so I just have to tell you this one part. Our boys were pushing for the touchdown and they made it all the way to the 1-yard line. Then they fumbled it and the Grizzlies recovered the ball, so we started cheering for a Safety. On the first play the Grizzlies moved it out a little, but on the second play THEY fumbled the ball and one of our boys fell on it in the end zone! Touchdown!! Pretty exciting!

So after the football game we headed home and my sweetie, the Dog Walker, the Gym Rat, and I put the backboard on so the kids could shoot some hoops. I took the girls out to do a little fundraising for their dance team and when we got back my sweetie had dinner pretty well done. After we ate I started chopping apples for applesauce so I could finish up all these leftover apples. It was almost 10:00 pm. That's when Fajita threw up. She was the first one.

Then about midnight Baby Doll started heaving. Her little body was spent by the fifth time. Bossy's family was long gone by then. It was in the middle of the night that Scout came running in and I directed her to the bathroom where she managed to keep hers all contained to the toilet.

I woke with a sour stomach and figured I was next although I haven't managed to lose it yet. But others were puking too, Prima Donna, Sport... My sweetie took Princess, Drama Queen and Crafty to church. The Dog Walker took himself to church but came home half an hour later complaining that his stomach hurt. When it appeared that no one was showing up for the nursery today, my sweetie brought the Drama Queen home and she gathered her things and quickly hit the road. She does not want to get sick!! I'm hoping it's not too late for that.

I am surprised how quickly we all caught this bug. Bossy says her family had it last week except for Fajita, so maybe it is just running its natural course. I hope it finishes up fast, because my sweetie has to be on an airplane at 10:00 tomorrow morning. I hope he asks for plenty of barf bags before he buckles up.


  1. Oh no! I hope y'all get better quick! Sharing is great, but I wish kids didn't share sick germs all the time!

  2. I hope everyone is better by now!
