
Oct 12, 2013

Guest Blog - Fall Festival by Prima Donna

I love fall with all the beautiful colors and fragrant scents. That jacket weather. The part that sucks is that in Utah with all of its crazy weather, fall is not really existent. One day it's summer the next it's winter then every few days we'll have a day that feels like fall. Today was one of those days, with a little more summer than winter. With this wonderful weather it was the perfect day for a Fall Festival.

Bossy's insurance agency was hosting this awesome event. It was at a cute little local pumpkin patch and it was lots of fun.

When we got there the adults got vouchers each worth $5 dollars so they could buy pumpkins. Since Bossy was involved with the agency, she got six!! Once we got there we decorated sugar cookies and I probably put a good three inches of frosting on mine. It was delicious. Mmmm... I love frosting. 

OK,  anyway, then we did a little corn maze but everyone cheated except Crafty, Baby Doll, and I so we got lost for a while. That would have been tons of fun, but it was super muddy and for some stupid reason I wore flip-flops to a farm... Yeah, I still don't know what I was thinking. 

Anyway, we got out and Bossy told us that everyone else was playing on the giant hay pyramid, so after much shenanigans on that we decided to pick some pumpkins. Whilst doing this, Mom, Dad, Sport and Taco showed up. The two boys had football practice and couldn't make it until then. They saw the free hot dogs and jumped in line even though we had been waiting to get them until they got there, but, who cares? 

After dinner we hopped in line for a free family photo!! Not everyone was there, but it will be a fun keepsake. While Dad was in line weighing our pumpkins, we headed over to the corn pit. Like it sounds, it was a pit full of dried corn kernels. It was super fun! While playing in it, Mom told us that her dad kept a thing like this in their garage to feed the chickens. I was immediately jealous, I could have played in that thing all day.

Dad came back from putting the pumpkins in the car and we headed to the petting zoo. It wasn't very big but Baby Doll was mesmerized by this goat.  She managed to sneak some corn from the pit and was feeding the goat.  I was just making sure it wasn't going to bite off her finger!!  Then it was time to go so we loaded into the van.

Even with muddy shoes and corn everywhere, we still managed to have a great day and it was a highlight of a wonderful fall!

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