
Oct 3, 2013

All Day Long

Isn't Bossy talented?!
I pretty much hung out at the middle school all day long today. It all started with a PTSA Board Meeting at 9:00 that lasted until 10:30. I was a little sad about that because Baby Doll and Curly missed their dance class. We got there with about 10 minutes left, but their awesome teacher let them dance with the next class so they didn't really miss anything.

As soon as class was over we drove back to the house. I dropped the kids and Bossy was waiting for me so we could go back to the middle school. I had to set up a display case for the Reflections program. Yeah, I've gotten myself involved again...
We do PTC in the school gym. Tons of parents and long lines.

That took us two hours! We got home after 2:00, and I had a break until 4:00 when Crafty and I headed back to the school for Parent Teacher Conferences. After another couple of hours waiting in line to meet her teachers, I was pleased to know that she has100% in almost every class! So proud of that girl.

She sure is having a great week!

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