
Sep 10, 2013

Our Anniversary Get-Away

We have now been officially married for 30 years and we have had very few opportunities to get away by ourselves. It seems that I was always pregnant or nursing a little one. But now that Baby Doll is nearly 3 it seemed like the perfect time. The problems started when I looked at the calendar. There was not a single time that would work!

So we decided to just go in the middle of the week and assume that our mostly grownup kids could handle things without us. The Dog Walker is nearly 20, for crying out loud, and Princess will be 17 in a couple of weeks. Surely those two could get everyone off to school and run the house...

My sweetie booked a hotel in nearby Heber City, about an hour away. We decided to stay on Monday night rather than Tuesday so the Dog Walker wouldn't have to miss any classes. My sweetie arrived home from work about 2:00 and we were out the door shortly after. The drive was uneventful. I read to him and we looked for fall color, but not many leaves have turned yet.

We checked into a Holiday Inn Express about 3:20. We had requested a King room, but were pleasantly surprised that Hotwire had booked us a King Deluxe with a fireplace and a jetted tub. We got settled in and then headed for the pool. There were very few people in the hotel and no one swimming. Unfortunately the water was cold so we made our way to the large round hot tub. It was comfortable, but not hot so we swam around in it and talked until we noticed the clock said if we didn't get out and get moving we would have to settle for a fast food supper.

We dressed quickly and drove the short distance to the Spin City Cafe. The place we had originally planned to go was not open on Monday nights (or Tuesdays either, that's what you get in small-town Utah!). Spin City was a hipster, 1970s feeling cafe with a rather expensive menu. The food was good, but not worth the price. The gelato brownie sundae was the best part!!

We stopped by the WalMart on the way back to the hotel to get some snacks and all the stuff we forgot. Can you believe neither one of us remembered a hairbrush?! Back at the hotel we decided to try out the jetted tub...then the fireplace... got to get our money's worth!

I read a bit more to my sweetie, but by midnight he was ready to crash. He's not used to the late nights like I am. We crawled out of bed just after 8:00 and enjoyed their free breakfast. We still had a couple of hours before checkout so we pulled our wet swim suits back on and played for another hour in the hot tub.

Just before 11:00, we checked out of the hotel and got on the road. We took the Park City route yesterday, but decided to go back home through Orem so we could get my sweetie some peaches. We made one more stop in Draper at Cafe Trang for lunch.

It was wonderful to get a chance to renew our relationship and just talk for hours and hours without kids interrupting and dance runs to make. I think maybe I'll keep him for another 30 years...


  1. I love the "I think I'll keep him for another 30 years". So sweet. I can imagine it's the best to find, and marry, the love of your life!


    stopping by from PYHO

  2. Just way sweet; I am so happy you got a moment away by yourselves. We all need that one.
    Probably around our 30th anniversary we lived in Las Vegas. We booked a room and left our capable 17 year old home to care for the kids. We called later on to see how things were going. No one answered so we started calling friends of our children. We soon found out that he had farmed all the children out and was meeting his 15 year old girlfriend at the movies. Guess who met them there; yup my husband.
    I am happy you didn't have an mishaps.

  3. Happy Anniversary! It sounds like a lovely getaway. We always end up forgetting something, too, when we go away - thank goodness for stores at destinations. :)

  4. Awe, Happy Anniversary!!! What a wonderful way to celebrate I'm more than convinced he'll be around for the next 30 years!!


  5. You guys are too ridiculously cute. I'm glad you had such a good anniversary. Love you both through death and to eternity. (I was gonna just say 'love you to death' but that is wayyy too limited. Forever families for the win!)

  6. So nice to get away alone! Happy 30th!

  7. So glad that you could get away! Congrats on the 30 years!

  8. Happy Anniversary, nice get away.

  9. I swear I commented on this the day you posted, maybe I closed the window without hitting the submit button! This sounds like a great anniversary celebration! Our anniversary is on national cheesecake day so we always go to the Cheesecake Factory for dessert!
