
Sep 29, 2013

LDS Women's Conference

It was Crafty's birthday today and I wanted to do something special with the girls since we would not celebrate her birthday until Sunday (which is really today now since I always post late at night). So last week I contacted my Relief Society President and convinced her I needed seven tickets to the Conference Center for the LDS Women's Conference. We have been so excited to go! It's not often we get to be in the same room with our Prophet and listen to him speak.

After our football games, Nutcracker rehearsals, and snapping a huge batch of green beans, we dressed in our Sunday best and left the house at 4:30.

The seven of us were me, Bossy, Fajita, Drama Queen, Princess, Prima Donna, and Crafty. Bossy drove us all to our designated parking garage and after we found a spot near the roof, we all got out and hoofed it the block and a half to the Conference Center.

The crowds were intense! The Conference Center seats over 21,000 people and by the time we were all in there, the seats were pretty much full. We were in the Terrace Section, fairly near the front. The conference was wonderful! We listened to each member of the Relief Society Presidency and then heard from our prophet. I loved the choir from the MTC. It made me share a tear or two for Teach. I realized that somewhere in Texas she was sitting in a chapel, hearing the same words were were hearing live.

After the conference was over, we walked through Temple Square and then to City Creek mall. We stopped at Forever 21 to buy Bossy some flats. Apparently she didn't get the memo about not wearing heals tonight. The Drama Queen wanted to stop in the Disney Store to buy a gift for Baby Doll. Her birthday is next week. Then we made our way to the foot court for a late dinner. We finally settled on Chinese and we grabbed a table.

It was so fun to just talk and visit with some of my girls. I think we need to make this one a tradition. I can hardly wait until I can take all 8 of my daughters (and hopefully a few daughters-in-law!) with me. I can't think of a better way to spend a Saturday evening.

1 comment:

  1. I think it was so awesome you could take the girls to the conference. I just barely listened to it tonight and was so uplifted by the messages.
    Loved this one and the pictures. I think you should make this a tradition.
    Blessings and hugs!
