
Sep 16, 2013

Grandpa's Birthday Party

My dad turned 78 today and we had a birthday party for him here with about 35 people. It was fun! Lots of kids running around and good food. We just grilled burgers and dogs. We also cooked corn on the cob out of our garden and Bossy made a huge batch of peach salsa. My siblings all brought salads and I made a big cake with my homemade Coconut Pecan frosting. Princess made a batch of cupcakes as well.

It was pretty low-key and everyone just hung out and visited for a couple of hours. I didn't even think to take pictures until everyone was long gone! I'm kind of annoyed with myself about that because I like sending pictures to Teach of our activities. It's one of the things she loves the most.

It seems like life just continues to get a little busier and a little crazier every day. I did manage to snap a pic of what is left of the cake. And here is a pic of Baby Doll. With all those people, she was totally worn out.

Me too. These late nights and early mornings are hard. I promise I will give you a better post tomorrow. Right after I get some sleep...



  1. Happy Birthday to Grandpa! Sounds like quite the big party! Sometimes taking lots of pictures takes one away from spending time with family, so I think it's nice every once in a while to put the camera down and just enjoy the moment!

  2. Happy Birthday to your dear dad.

  3. It sounds like a great celebration for your Dad's Birthday. It sounds like you have a lot of family around. I wish more of my children were near.
    I hate it when I don't take pictures at family events so I know that feeling.
