
Sep 13, 2013

Baby Doll's First Real Haircut

I think I've told you before that we get all our haircuts from Supercuts (except for my sweetie, I still cut his, usually in the middle of the night or right before church on Sunday). I love Supercuts because they offer training classes 2 or 3 times a month where they bring in people who have already been cutting hair and then they retrain them to Supercuts procedures. Of course they need models to practice, so for years for have been getting all of our haircuts for free!

I'm thinking we met Melissa when Crafty was a baby. That means we have been attending classes for about 12 or 13 years now. One by one the kids have joined us as they have gotten old enough to get a "real" haircut. I say real because I usually cut their bangs once or twice before they actually climb up into the big chair.

Baby Doll will be 3 in a few weeks, so even though her hair is fine and wispy and doesn't really grow well, it was time for her to graduate to a big girl (at least when it comes to hair, still no success on the potty yet). She has been talking about it all week, but then she started getting sick and I almost cancelled our appointments this morning. But when I asked her if she wanted to stay home and take a nap or go to haircuts, she whispered "haircuts," so at 1:30 we found ourselves in the parking lot of the Supercuts training studio.

We crossed the parking lot hand-in-hand, but I didn't sense any nervousness in her attitude which is strange because she is pretty particular about who she likes. Even when they pulled us back and asked her to climb in a big chair about six feet away from me, she willingly got up on the booster seat. They put a huge black adult cape on her and she looked so lost. I was put right behind her so I couldn't really see how she was doing, but she did not complain nor did she need any reminders. She was just plain and simply a big girl.


  1. Burrito has one of those certificates with the hair they shaved off his ears. Gorilla Baby...

  2. She sat there your youngest very nicely, hope you tip the stylist they need to eat too..I always notice you do whatever you need to do to save money, toooo bad other mothers and fathers don't do that..the waste people throw out is amazing. The university where our only graduated she retrieved one fall a dvd player brand new, dvd's clothes that fit me I am afull figure never worn with the receipt in the box that it her..a telephone not cell by any means brand new and a wallet with money it with no id she turned it into the school, she worked for the school and is no thief, she got the wallet and money after one full year, guess those rich kids never cared about anything they owned..I have found money on the ground when I walk each money, wallets I take to the people they put them on the top of their expensive cars, house keys and many many pencils and pens we live by a high school..People don't care about what they spend their money on these days. I use coupons, get free haircuts but tip well, get food for the pantry where I volunteer a lot and am amazed by the stuff people just toss...Love your blog, your kiddos are the cutest and your and your hubs are the absolute best, happy week ahead! ciaoX()

  3. Oh my goodness! So grown up!! Love it!
