
Aug 14, 2013

Trip to the Aquarium

Do you remember last year when the Dog Walker earned a spot on the Dance Off from Utah Dave? Utah Dave is a Real Estate company here in Utah and they sponsor all sorts of good things that make people proud to be part of this state. (This is not a commercial for Utah Dave...I don't even know the guy.)

Anyway, last week he (or someone from his staff) sent me a personal invitation to bring my family to an Open House at the Living Planet Aquarium. The aquarium has been around for a while, but we have never had the opportunity to see it, so I gladly accepted.

We were supposed to get there about 6:30, but Taco and Sport had football practice until 7:00, so the Dog Walker and I took Baby Doll, Curly, Scout, and Burrito and my sweetie was to pick up the boys from the park and meet us at the aquarium. The older girls were all going boating with their Young Women group so we were on our own.

As I was driving toward the aquarium, I was stressing about where I might park. I loaned my mini-van to Bossy, so I was driving the big van. I was imagining a free event with all sorts of people there. I was so surprised to see less than 20 cars in the parking lot when we arrived about 6:25.

We unloaded the kids and the stroller and just walked right inside. We were allowed to wander as much as we wanted. At 7:00 they had a little presentation about the new aquarium and showed us some fun pictures of what to expect when they got all moved into their new home in December. It looks awesome! I might even pay money to go there!

When we went to San Francisco, we visited the Aquarium Under the Bay and they had a tube with water all around and above with fish and sea creatures swimming everywhere. Well, our new aquarium is going to have one of those! They are even going to have a shark tank where people can scuba dive and a huge tank for the penguins.

And the kids thought tonight's visit was cool...wait until they see this new one!