
Aug 13, 2013

Not a Baby Anymore

Lego candles? Really?
I know you think this post is about Baby Doll, but it's not. For the last two weeks Curly and I have been having this discussion. On August 12 when he turns 5, he can't talk like a baby anymore and I can't call him Baby anymore. I have to tell you, I've been working on it and it's hard!

Ninja style!
Of all the kids, I have never called any of them "Baby" except for him. I don't know why. He's not particularly babyish or anything, it just seemed to fit. He is such a sweet, happy, loving boy.

It's not underwear!
He woke up this morning and came running down the hall to my bedroom calling, "Mom! Mom! It's my birthday!" Of course he was grinning ear-to-ear. He is like his dad though, he doesn't want any attention unless it's from people he knows and loves. When he first came home from school I asked him if his teacher wished him a happy birthday and he said, "No, I didn't tell her it was my birthday." I gave him a squeeze, "Why not?" He wiggled a little in my arms, "Because then they would sing to me!" 

We had the family over for another party tonight with his favorite foods, tuna casserole and green beans. He was so excited over every gift and he hugged all the givers. He was just sure the soft packages were full of underwear and he was thrilled when they were actually Ninjago T-shirts!

He got a big beautiful fire engine that he was so excited about he couldn't even wait for someone to help him take it out of the box. He got a pair of scissors (not little kid-friendly ones) and promptly cut his finger. It bled pretty good and he was very unhappy until we found a Band-aid.

This box is heavy!
When it was finally time for bed and the party was cleaned up and the guests were gone, I pulled him into my lap and asked him if he had a happy birthday. He snuggled up and flashed me that huge smile. "Yes!" Then a shadow passed over his face, "Except for when I cut my finger." I inspected the bandage. "Oh, you won't even remember that part in a couple of weeks," I consoled. He gave me another big hug and then headed off for bed.

He might be pretty grown up, but he will always be my Baby. I just can't call him that anymore.


  1. Happy birthday, Curly! He looks so grown up since he got that haircut a while back! That fire truck looks amazing, I can totally see why he couldn't wait for help opening it!

  2. This was a very sweet post. Oh how those babies are always our babies. I was the baby in my family so I was the spoiled one. Of course, I have my baby but now she is 34 years old. Oh how time flies; enjoyed the precious moments with all of your babies.
