
Aug 29, 2013

Happy Birthday, Sweetie!

It was my sweetie's birthday yesterday. For the last several months we have been forbidden to speak of it. (Maybe you can guess why...)

I haven't reached that number yet, but I have never really had a crisis about turning any particular age yet. When my friends were having a fit about 40, I just figured I had done plenty of things in my life so I probably should be 40. When my sweetie turned 40, his mom sent him a box full of black things. So we didn't have a party although we will on Saturday when we can have almost all of the kids here.

It was a pretty typical day. My sweetie got up this morning, much the same as other mornings and got he kids off to school while he worked from his home office so I could stay in bed. Then he went to work. He had meetings so we couldn't go out to lunch or anything so instead Bossy and I, Taco, Burrito, Curly, and Baby Doll took a 30-minute drive to Orem to buy him a box of his favorite peaches. Then I spent the afternoon getting the inspection and emissions done on his car. (I even had his air conditioner fixed, but I don't think he's noticed that yet!)

He worked all day, then came home around 5:30 so he could cook dinner for all of us. I know, I'm sounding like a really bad wife, but he offered to make stuffed peppers and I just couldn't pass on that! And to make me really happy, he made a couple of batches of homemade rolls.

After dinner and homework, he and I slipped away to Applebees for dessert. It was nice to spend a few moments together. He wanted to know how I felt being married to an old man...

What do you think?


  1. Happy 50th birthday you gave the number away by your blog..what is the big deal on birthdays, considering the alternative most people are just happy to be here in the now..You have many children still to raise, he is a wonderful husband and father, he should be so happy to have you as a wife and the mother of his wonderful children..Happy Happy, May God continue to bless his life with many days and evenings of joy and love, the applebees dessert together sounded really sweet! Kudos to you for putting your hubs first in your life! ciao!

  2. Happy Birthday to your sweetie. My brother #3 turns 50 on the 12th of September and we are having his party on the 14th. Fourth year in a row for a 50th birthday party in my family. We celebrated my DH's 50th birthday with a combined party for my oldest 1st birthday and used dinosaurs as our theme. Now, DH will be 57 tomorrow. He loves to cook as well and I often feel horrible that he does it instead of me, but he is much more creative about it.

  3. Happy Birthday to your dear husband.

  4. I loved your birthday thoughts. You are both so young. Once I heard that between the ages of 35 to 45 you are at the best period of your life. You have reached full growth in body??? You have matured with more wisdom. So during that phase; I just loved it. Best years for me at least. Just enjoy the precious moments like these.
    Blessings and hugs!
