
Jul 17, 2013

Princess Dresses

One of many fittings.
Princess, Prima Donna, and Crafty all left for Girls' Camp this morning. Unlike Girl Scout Camp, this one is sponsored by our church and the girls love it! This time they had a princess theme and since Princess is nearly 17, she is considered a youth leader. That means she is in charge of one of the tents.

She has had to do a bunch of things to prepare including a tent party and a tent devotional. I'm not sure exactly what they are doing, but I do know that each youth leader had to choose a Disney princess. Then they were supposed to dress up like that princess. Well, my sweet Princess chose her favorite, Tiana.

Of course she didn't have a dress that was even remotely like what she might need, and as much as I like sewing, I just didn't want the extra stress. So I did the next best thing...I assigned the project to Drama Queen.

She actually likes projects! Especially when she can use her budding sewing skills. She and Princess went shopping and they eventually settled on the yellow and white dress Tiana wears when she is a waitress. It was much more practical for wearing afterward and for slogging through the mud at camp. I already had a beautiful white apron so that was all done.

Drama Queen worked on the dress for over a week. It was awesome!  The happy part is that there was leftover fabric. Baby Doll was all over that, so the Drama Queen assigned herself another project!

She took the leftover yellow and some shiny scraps I had left from making flags and made this super-cute Snow White dress for Baby Doll. She even bought the grommet tape so she could lace it up the back.

I'm thinking she still has five more sisters and of course they all want to be princesses...

Another project, Drama Queen??


  1. What an adorable dress! Mom has taught you well. I need to teach my girls to sew. It would help if my kids hadn't broken my new machine. The part should be here in the next few days. I took it apart to see if it was an easy fix, and can't remember where a few of the parts go to reassemble it. :P
    I was able to get a parts list, with the entire machine broken down by part and location, so the repairman should be able to fix it.

  2. What a sweet sister. I remember making costumes for my neice and nephew and loved seeing how much they loved it!!!

  3. Wow! Those dresses look awesome. I wish I could sew something so fancy.
