
Jul 4, 2013

Mesa Verde

We had a big day today! We told the kids it was breakfast at 7:30 and we wanted to be on the road by 8:30. We missed that mark by only about 20 minutes (which is pretty amazing, really).

We arrived at the Anasazi Center just after 9:00. The kids were excited to do the Jr. Ranger program so we loaded them up with clipboards and headed for the exhibits. Sport loved the weaving loom, and Baby Doll opened up every discovery drawer. By the time we had visited all the exhibits, they had finished up the paperwork and were ready to turn it in for buttons and bookmarks.

We stopped in the gift shop and I bought (and mailed) a postcard to Teach. Drama Queen bought a couple of children's books that she shared with the kids. Then we took the hike up to the pueblo. It was pretty awesome and Sport counted 5 lizards on the trail. Then it was back in the van.

We drove to Mesa Verde National Park and eventually arrived at the Spruce House. We thought about waiting in line so we could see some of the other places, but the earliest times we could get would have had us arriving at our final destination around 2:00 AM and I wasn't looking forward to that. We really enjoyed the Spruce House and the museum. Some of us even took the ladder down into the kiva. Sport climbed into one of the crevices and pretended to sleep. I don't know if it was really a bed, but he thought it might work for one. By the time we finished the hike to the Spruce House the kids were tired and ready to move on.

Our next stop was Four Corners. It was hot and windy, but the kids were excited to stand in the center of the four states. We walked around all the little stalls and eventually bought the kids each a silver bracelet for $1.67 each. That's about my price range. After a little frybread we crawled back in the van for the long drive to Albuquerque.

I have no idea New Mexico had so few towns! It seemed like we were driving forever. We finally found a city with a McDonalds when we got to Cuba. The kids thought they  were starving by then. It was after 9:00 so I can't blame them. We loaded up on chicken nuggets and fies and that gave us enough energy to get through that last hour or so.

We rolled into Albuquerque just before 11:00. We checked into our hotel and the kids just all sort of fell into bed. I think the heat is getting to them. They are not used to hiking and the hundred-degree temperatures make it even worse.

We are celebrating the 4th here in Albuquerque. I'm excited to have a day where we get a little down time, although the Dog Walker is hoping to see Santa Fe so we may be heading that direction. I'll keep you posted.

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