
Jul 12, 2013

Do You Like to Dress Up?

No, not in your Sunday best...

Like a cow, I mean. July 12, 2013, is Cow Appreciation Day in the US of A. That means that all the Chick Fil A restaurants are giving away free food to anyone dressed like a cow. I know you are giggling right now, but I mean it! Check out their website if you don't believe me!

Now I don't know about you, but I love free food, and I'm pretty good at making a fool of myself. A few years back Bossy and I got a screaming deal on some black and white cow fabric. I immediately cut it up into shorts for all the kids. They have grown some since then, but we just pass them on to the next kid and make it work. Last year Bossy took all the leftover scraps and made them into cute little tails. And I ordered some cheap white painters caps and we used black sharpies to make cow spots on them. The last thing we do is put all the kids in white t-shirts and cover them with a few felt spots.

And you know what? We look like cows! But more importantly, we are each given an entirely free meal for our efforts. They also have fun games and activities including giveaways and coupons. It really is a great party.

Oh, hey, don't forget to leave me a comment on the free tie giveaway that goes through Saturday night! So far I only have 4 comments and I know there are at least a few more of you out there. They did not restrict this one to a US-only drawing, by the way, so click this link and get your name in. Free is definitely the way to go!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this, I know what we'll be doing today now!
