
Jul 26, 2013

Bike Rodeo

People told us not to do a July Pack Meeting. "It's camping month!" they offered. "Nobody will come." "Everybody takes the month of July off." Despite all that good advice, we planned and held our annual Bike Rodeo on Tuesday night. We set up a bigger course this year, hoping for a larger crowd.

We passed out over a 120 fliers and I was thinking 50 kids, so I wasn't too disappointed when we had nearly 40 show up! Of course we had parents and baby brothers and sisters too. Oh, and some older siblings who just watched.

Sadly, I forgot my good camera so I was only able to snap a few cell phone pics for you. I couldn't possibly send Drama Queen back after it, I had already sent her back for half a dozen things I had forgotten.

My friend, Kevin, was there from the Salt Lake County Health Department as was Officer Wright from the South Jordan Police Department. The Dog Walker and I helped set up the course, but then they took over and ran things for us which was awesome!

The kids rode round and round for nearly an hour before we finally wrapped things up. We still had to move everyone inside and hand out awards. I know, you are wondering why we didn't just give them out in the parking lot. Normally we could have, but this time we happened to have two boys who were earning their Arrow of Light awards and my sweetie does this huge light show with lasers and a large lighted arrow. That wouldn't have worked very well without the darkened room.

Who says you can't have a fantastic Pack Meeting in July?

I beg to differ.


  1. Ours is next week, still July. The plan - Raingutter Regatta! I'm not sure how many kids will have boats made and ready, we'll see!

  2. This is such a cool idea! And I'd say 40 made it worth hosting!

  3. What a fun activity; I loved working in the Cub Scout program.
    This was a great July event.
