
Jun 10, 2013

Unfinished Projects

I have to tell you, I think I am the queen of unfinished projects!

Bossy and I started this quilt 2 years ago for a friend who was having a baby. Last night I finally sewed the binding partway around. It's a good thing we gave her a different gift when her little one was born, he would probably be too big for it now. It would never cover a toddler bed.

And this is my drawer full of started but unfinished craft in my defense I have also passed this unfinishing gene along to my children so many of these were opened and a few stitches started by someone else before they were abandoned.

This is my scrapbook corner. I really need to spend a couple of days (weeks, months!...who knows?) organizing and getting them in the binders.

But this one is the worst. I started making it for Bossy, before she was BORN! That makes this project about 29 years old.

Can anyone beat that?


  1. I can't beat 29 years...but I do still have a wedding scrapbook to finish, and we will hit our 11 year anniversary next month.

    Finishing projects is hard.

  2. I'm the queen of...not even starting projects! a 29 year project is huge ;)

  3. I have a quilt I started when I got married 34 years ago. But my prize for this unfinished project is a quilt top my great-grandmother made that my mother recently gave me to finish😀

  4. I can't beat 29 years worth of projects... unless I have some unfinished projects up in heaven. I do have several projects that are partially done, as well as a TON of projects that I have purchased/gathered the supplies I need but never started...

    Kind of wish I'd made a list of all my unfinished projects back when I found out I was pregnant. Could've worked through some of them before Emma got here... they aren't going to happen anytime soon now!

  5. Can't beat 29 years- but I definitely have lots of unfinished projects lying around!
