
Jun 4, 2013

Teach's Utah Birthday

You all know that yesterday was Teach's 22nd birthday and she had an amazing party prepared by a sweet family in her mission. But per her request, we also had a huge family party for her here.

That was not the plan when she left in March, but as the weeks rolled by in May, Teach mentioned her birthday a couple of times until finally last week she suggested we have a big party for her even though she wasn't here. At first I thought that was a little weird, but then I warmed to the idea. I called all the kids, told them to show up at 6:00 on Sunday and began planning the menu.

I knew if Teach were here she would choose the giant sandwich you read about yesterday, but with so many to feed I decided to go for something a bit more practical...I planned a BBQ.

On Saturday night I made her a funfetti cake, her favorite, and my sweetie and I picked up the last minute things we needed at Sam's Club. All was ready. The only thing not here was the guest of honor. After church on Sunday we began preparations. By 6:30 we had everyone here and the food was nearly ready to go.

My sweetie did the grilling and then we all congregated on the back patio to enjoy Teach's birthday meal. She would have loved it! My sweetie even made frybread, one of her favorite things. After dinner we had cake and ice cream. We sang to Teach as the Drama Queen snapped a dozen pictures so Teach could see us singing. We all even pretended to be candles.

It was fun even though Teach was missing.

Happy Birthday, Teach! We love and miss you...

...but we still know how to party!.

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