
Jun 6, 2013

Scholarship Boy

I'm pretty sure I told you about the Dog Walker's new scholarship. He received full tuition for summer semester and for all of next year! We were so excited about that news, but you know, we have another scholarship boy at our house.

A few months ago I nominated Sport for the Kohl's Cares Scholarship program. Remember last year when he did all the bike helmet safety stuff? He won the contest, but then he became sort of a poster child for helmet safety when he rode in several parades and helped with the Safety Fair and the Bike Rodeo.

Well, a week or so ago we got this large white envelope in the mail from Kohl's. I was worried that maybe my credit card bill had gotten way out of hand when I saw that it wasn't addressed to me, it was addressed to Sport!

After ripping open the envelope we discovered that he had been selected as a 2013 store-level winner! He also received a $50 gift card and this nice certificate. We had to sign paperwork so that he could advance to the next level where he might win $1000 scholarship.

He was so excited! At first he didn't believe that I would let him spend the gift card however he wanted to spend it, but when I assured him that he could, he immediately began asking dozens of questions about Kohl's. Even though my kids are clothed mostly in stuff from Kohl's, they rarely get to step foot in the store. My sweetie and I just do most of the shopping for them.

So on Monday night after his baseball game we made a quick dash to Koh's with his list. It was a long list, but I was proud of him for being so practical. So proud that I even gave him the extra $20 in coupons that I had for the week.

We arrived at the store after 9:30 which meant we only had about 25 minutes to round up his purchases. We started in the clothing department. He wanted a new swimming suit and a jacket (I didn't even know his zipper was broken!) Unfortunately, there were no jackets left in his size so we headed to customer service to ask. We were told that they were no longer carrying spring jackets, but we might be able to find something in an Adult Small.

While I was at the customer service desk, Sport found a mini football and a mini basketball and added them to the cart. Then we headed for shoes. After looking for a few minutes, he found a nice pair of gym shoes and some flip-flops. Then it was finally time to look for that jacket.

They only had one and thankfully it met our criteria. It was the right size, warm, a Tony Hawk, and cheap! As we were pushing our full cart to the checkout stand, Sport suddenly remembered that he needed a coverup shirt to go with his swim suit. He grabbed the nearest one that happened to be just the colors of his new blue and black swimsuit and we were finished.

He did well! I might have been a bit more careful, but he was able to get all of those items with only an additional $30 out of pocket which I didn't mind paying one little bit. I was proud of his responsible attitude because he could have blown all the money in the toy department and then yours truly would have had to buy the new shoes.

It's pretty obvious my boy is smart....and awesome...and cute...and responsible...
     wait, he might read this and I don't want his head to swell. His new jacket might not fit!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun moment with your son and I think he did awesome with his money.
