
Jun 28, 2013

Riverton Arts Festival 2013

I just want to finish up the crazy business of June 15. I told you all of it in a messed up order so let me give a quick summary, we headed for the church breakfast at 8:00 where the little ones rode the horses. Then we raced out to Riverton where the girls performed at the Arts Festival at 9:30.

We got back to the house just before 11:00 so my sweetie could help the kids finish their Pinewood Derby cars before the big race and I could scrounge up something to feed about 14 people. Then we went to the race where some of the kids scored design honors but nothing for speed. We wandered the festival for a little bit until it was time for Princess and Prima Donna to man the balloons booth with the Youth City Council.

We headed for home to regroup for an hour. At 5:30 we picked up the girls and headed for In and Out Burger. The kids had earned a bunch of free hamburger coupons from the library for reading. Then it was on to the Neal McCoy concert followed by the fireworks. It was definitely a crazy fun day!

I've shared pics with you about everything except for the Riverton Arts Festival performance. It seems a bit anticlimactic now that the kids have all performed in the recital, but when they dance on an outside stage it is definitely a different experience. They always giggle afterward about crashing into someone or accidentally kicking someone because the stage is much smaller than their regular dance space.

They also have to compete with the sounds and sights of all the booths and people just coming and going. Only the older kids get the opportunity to dance at Riverton Arts, but they used to have the entire studio there. Now they are limited to an hour so our director chooses her best groups to fill the time slots. That meant for us that only Princess, Prima Donna, and Crafty were dancing and they didn't do any of the pointe dances.

But it was still an awesome show and I'm excited to share the pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Yo always share priceless pictures. It looked like such a fun day; I just don't know how you keep up with it all.
    Blessings and hugs!
