
Jun 15, 2013

Princess and the Frog Party

My kids have learned one thing well from me and that is how to party! So the other day when I was MIA, they decided to party without me. The Drama Queen asked for suggestions for dinner and the Dog Walker said, "Cajun." (I'm pretty sure he doesn't even know what that means!) And the party was born.

Of course they couldn't just cook Cajun food. They decided it would be a good time to celebrate Mardi Gras as well. The Dog Walker rounded up the masks Princess used for Bingham Ball, and the Drama Queen ran to the Dollar Store and grabbed some other party things like shiny necklaces and cream puffs. Obviously there wasn't time to make some man-catchin' beignets...

Then they did put together some awesome menus featuring Maldonia Sparkling Cider, Ramone's Rice Pilaf, Fresh-Caught Bayou Tilapia, and Tia's Man-Catchin' Beignets. (They didn't save me any of these either.)

After chowing down, they all piled into the family room to watch the Princess and the Frog.

I'm told they had an amazing time!

Maybe next time they will invite me...

1 comment:

  1. I want to be invited to the Party toooooo! The menu sounded great and tooooo bad you did not get any of the delish yummies! Oh, well guess next time you will be the guest of honor...Hoping Teach is doing well, praying daily for her safe return in a wink of time to you and yours, it will greatly enhance her life, the good Lord will bless her life for all she does for her faith! He truly will..and being her Mom and your husband Dad the time will go quickly and she will return and be a different young lady, too bad most other young adults after they have gotten their education done don't do the same as your daughter Teach, our prison systems and juvenile prison systems would be empty...How wonderful the population would be full of loving of God young adults who spoke of their faith there would be in our world, it would be wonderful, God's blessings to you and esp. Teach she will return so soon yes she will! Ciao!
