
Jun 20, 2013

Pictures from Teach

I wasn't going to share about Teach today, but I was so excited when she sent me some pictures, I just had to show you! She was thrilled to get all the birthday cards. Look at all those pink envelopes. The back of that picture said, "Best..Day..Ever!" She just loves getting mail.

Here is a picture before Sister Karratti went back home. Teach is expecting a transfer again next week. Likely either she or Sister Gentry or both will move. I will let you know.

Wow! Look how thin she is getting! Must be all that bike riding. She wears skirts most of the time, but they were getting ready to go to a service project and it required something less formal. She only has that one pair of jeans with her.

A trip to the mall looking for people to talk to. She loves turtles, I'm sure that's why we got this picture.

I love this one from a Relief Society activity. Who says you can't have fun while you are on a mission?

Although it's not all fun, here is a bit from her letter...

We had a young man - Johnathan try to tell us the Book of Mormon isn't true. We told him it was (smiley face) and an old lady told us we were going to heck! We laughed so hard I almost tripped!

Just kidding...maybe it's more fun than I thought. I'm just always glad to see her smiling!

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures are so fun! She looks great. I love hearing about her mission. Thanks for sharing!
