
Jun 23, 2013

Dance Recital

My kids love to dance! I have the 3 older girls in what is called the Upper School and Curly and Scout in the Lower School.

The lower school recital started at 5:00. Scout was the very first dance and then Curly at 12 and Scout again at 14. After they both did an excellent job we settled in our seats to wait until the end of the recital. After the final 24th number it was about 6:20.

The older girls Performing Teams started their dances at 6:40 so we only had time to stand and stretch before we were off and running again. Princess started her first dance sitting with us in the audience. It eventually ended up with her in this position on top of her friends!

Here she is in her Heaven on Earth Dance.

Front and center here is Scout. She is a beautiful little ballerina!

Curly definitely stole the show with this number from the Lorax. He is the only boy in a class with 10 girls.

Prima Donna and Crafty did this next dance together. They are on the same Jazz and Performing teams.

And they did this one too! Sorry for the bad pics. We couldn't use the flash so some of them are dark and a little blurry.

Here is Crafty again with her ballet class. 


The recital finally wrapped up after 9:00. It was a long but happy night (except for the lady sitting in front of us who got mad at Curly for accidentally kicking her in the back of the head!).

I love watching the kids dance, but I have to admit that I am also looking forward to a break. Now if school would just be over...

Prima Donna- Mini Guest Blog

Hey everyone! Another dance year has come and gone for one night of glory.  This year's recital theme was New York. They had the seniors from our studio lead you through the streets of New York and explore all the dances. It was lots of fun. We had some dances from Central Park, Chinatown, the museum and of course, Broadway! Princess's lift is during her dance from the Broadway show, Chicago, during the Roxy number. That was everyone's favorite this year. Everyone, that is except Baby Doll, who keeps singing, "Black and yellow.  Black and yellow." from one of the hip-hop numbers. The recital was lots of fun this year, our studio is even offering a trip to New York next summer, but its too expensive. :(  I, however, am excited for the next spring recital because the theme is going to be (drum roll please...)

I am so excited but more about that next year.  Until then we'll explore the streets of New York City.


  1. Awh, how adorable! I remember when my little cousin was in dance. She looked so clumsy, yet so cute. I just love these pictures!
    Victoria from

  2. I love the pictures of the recitals. I think it is so fun that you have them all involved in dancing. It brought back some memories of my girls dance recitals when they were 3-6 years old.
    Blessings and hugs for all!
