
May 14, 2013

Such a Blessing

Teach and Sister Karratti
You all know that I got to spend 40 minutes on the phone with Teach yesterday. To try and keep her family from being a distraction to her work, she is only allowed to call us twice a year, once on Christmas and once on Mothers' Day. Of course it's all about obedience, she has a cell phone and there is nothing but her own will to stop her from dialing the number or punching out a text at any time. But she is determined to keep every mission rule so that she will be blessed in her work.

I told you in my post yesterday that I was up past 3:00 AM in the Emergency Room on Saturday night, so when Sunday rolled around it was hard to drag myself out of bed. I think I still had the affects of the morphene in my body too and I was just so tired. But I wanted to go to church and hear my little ones sing to me during Sacrament meeting. It's a tradition for all the Primary kids to go up to the front and sing the songs they have been practicing all month for their moms.

Teach and Katie, their first baptism
My sweetie had planned to help the kids make French toast, but that definitely has fat in it so that idea was discarded. They ended up making oatmeal with apples and raisins. It was delicious! I think I preferred it over French Toast. We dressed and headed out. It was a nice meeting with the neighbor from next door reporting on his mission. He just returned from Washington DC. Then the kids sang and we had one other speaker before they presented the moms with chocolates which I couldn't eat. Then Drama Queen brought me home and I went to bed until the phone rang.

I was so excited to pick up the receiver and hear Teach's sweet voice on the other line. I got the first 5 minutes to myself and then the kids all crowded around me on the bed. My sweetie brought up the speaker phone so we could all talk to her. We started with Baby Doll and went in age order. I prompted each child to tell about their activities in the 2 minutes they were given. Then my sweetie sent them downstairs again so they could listen on the other speaker with the mute button on.

Sister Gentry
Teach was a bit teary as were some of the rest of us. Mostly she just wanted to hear us talk. At one point she said, "Mom, I just love to hear the sound of your voice." But since she didn't take the time to tell any stories yesterday, I am sharing this one from her email.

The other day we were out looking for a referral in the boonies. It was getting late and the GPS said the house didn't exist. Our referral said that the house was green and we found a green looking house kind of close to where the GPS said so we decided to knock the door. We're missionaries we can knock on anyone's door so we knocked. Mom. We ALWAYS knock twice. Once for my soul twice for theirs. For the first time in the last six weeks we all felt the need to walk away from the door only once knocked. We all of a sudden felt this urgency to rush out of there. When we had knocked we'd heard a man with his dogs, but we didn't knock again. We rushed out of there so fast and I just don't know what mighta happened. We were on the road and all of a sudden I realized that my stomach was in the tightest of knots. I told the sisters about it and we decided we needed to get to a safe place immediately. We went to the Molinas. They are a recent convert family who are having a hard time right now. Jose the father is always out and is avoiding us lately but he was there! We told them that we came to them because we needed to feel safe. It was such an awesome experience. He prayed for us. He prayed for our safety and that we would always know where to come to feel safe. We made them so happy by coming there and I know that the whole thing was just such a blessing. I learned how my body reacts when the spirit. leaves. Such a blessing.

Yesterday after we hung up I was moping around the house missing her more than ever when I sat down at my computer. I had an email from an address I didn't recognize.I clicked on it and read the following:

Hi, this is Sister Janet ... and I  ... have the pleasure of meeting the Sister missionaries and having them over for dinner on Sundays. We had a little project where they made some pottery at my home. I do pottery. So we had a great Mothers day.
Thank You for having these women and I have had great blessings just knowing them. 
And she sent me pictures! I was so pleased to know that someone was taking good care of my sweet daughter when she couldn't be with me on Mothers' Day. 

Such a blessing...


  1. Aww, she is so lovely. I miss her so much as well and I'm glad she is being taken care of while serving! So glad you were all able to talk to her on Sunday. (:

  2. Oh how looked forward to Mothers day and Christmas just to talk to my missionaries, what a special time. And how sweet was that to receive an email from someone about your daughter. It just warms my heart knowing she's being cared for!

    Our primary kids looked so cute while they sang.
