
May 21, 2013

A Winning Day!

Despite the fact that I am still a bit under the weather from my surgery, I had a wonderful winning day!

The first thing that happened was that I sat down at my desk to read my email and I opened one from Utah Mom. It read like this, "Hey! You won the Day Out With Thomas tickets. Congrats! Cindi."

Yay! Curly was SOOO happy! He just kept telling everyone over and over that he was going to ride on the REAL Thomas train. Life is just so simple when you are four.

Then I got to email with Teach for a little while and she told me this awesome story:

This week we have witnessed miracles within ourselves, but one of the coolest missionary experiences I've had so far happened on Friday night. We had just finished walking from a less active member's home and we had only 30 minutes, but we weren't close to any other investigators and I knew that we weren't meant to be in the area where we were. I was just praying to know where God wanted us to be for the last 30 minutes of the night. I imagined the park down the road and it just felt right. So I told Sister Gentry, she agreed and we headed to the park. When we got there they had a baseball game going on and there were a LOT of people and I had no idea who we were meant to talk to. I prayed that the Lord would let us know who we were meant to share the message with and we started forward. I saw a lady putting something in her car. I felt that I should contact her so I headed over. I went to pull a pass along card out of my bag, but my hand found a family history card. I had to hurry so I just though 'whatever, that works' and headed over. Turns out family history was exactly what Marianna needed. She opened up to us and told us how much her son loved family history and he would love a new/free website that would help him. We were able to give her a personalized copy of the Book of Mormon and get her phone number so we could follow up. She said that it was the perfect day for us to meet her. She had story after story of family issues that had occurred that day and she simply needed comfort. This was such a blessing to meet her. We were able to continue to work hard until the end and we were blessed for our obedience.
Cool, huh!? 

And it's not over yet! About 1/2 an hour later I got a call from Clayton at the Tire Store. Last weekend was their Customer Appreciation Days. It was an easy way to feed the kids since they were giving away hot dogs, chips, drinks, and donuts. They also had drawings and I WON! I got this awesome cooler!

Then, to top it all off, one of my best friends brought in dinner for the family. She made chicken enchiladas and they were so yummy!

It just doesn't get any better than that.


  1. I hope you are recovering speedily! I am thinking of you. And even though I'm a terrible commenter I am still reading!

  2. I am praying daily for your body to be healed by the Lord, I never miss one of your blogs..Congrats upon all your good fortune, if there ever was a family and a person YOU who deserves some wins and happiness it certainly is YOU and your familia..I know the Lord will continue to bless your daughter as she does her mission, if other religions had the same programs as your LDS does for their young members male and female well we would not have to have juvenile correction facilities, it is your Love and Faith that helps your TEACH in her mission, she will be home soon and all the beautiful lessons from God will be within her..Praying for a quick recovery and just reast a little. ciao and XX()()

  3. What a wonderful letter from Teach! I just love missionary stories!!!
