
Apr 13, 2013

Update From Teach

I know you are just dying to hear an update from Teach!

OK, I was dying to hear from her. On Monday when I was supposed to get my first nice newsy email from her I got an extremely short paragraph of just a few sentences telling me she was out of computer time and she was sending me a handwritten letter that should be here Wednesday. It wasn't. Nor did it arrive on Thursday. How far away is Texas anyway?!

So I was sitting at my computer this morning when I heard the mail truck coming up the street. Curly is my resident mail retriever, so he immediately ran to the box and returned with a disappointed look. "Is there a letter from Teach?" I questioned. "Yeah," he sulked, "but there are only two letters today." I grabbed it and tore it open. So what if I got 10 pieces of mail yesterday? My little guy just doesn't understand the meaning of the term "junk mail."

You will be happy to know that I pulled out two full sheets of purple notebook paper filled front and back! I'll share a little with you since I know you are worried about her too.

I haven't seen any cockroaches yet (knock on wood) but I know they'll be here soon! The first day we got caught in a good ol' Texas rainstorm while we were out street contacting. Just as predicted - the people are awesome! A man gave us his umbrella! I've met a couple of members. The first ones were as Texan as all get out. They were in Rodeo garb and said y'all, fixin' & g'day. We have met so many interesting people!

Can you hear that accent starting already? We thought it would be at least a couple of months before she picked up on that. Want a little more?

We have been so crazy busy that I haven't had a chance to set up my bike up yet, but I'm hoping to do it today since it's p-day. I also have a new found appreciation for sidewalks. Sidewalks only exist in the ritzy neighborhoods of Texas! I've been gone for almost 3 weeks. It hasn't gone fast, but it probably has for y'all. Yes, people are Texans here. Yes, I'll likely have a twang when I get home. 

Remember when I told you how scared Teach was to fly? Well I guess I shouldn't have worried about it so much. Here's what she had to say about that:

I know y'all are nervous to know, but I absolutely LOVED flying! It was SOOO magical! I was a little nervous at first, but I was in a window seat and we flew over Utah and the mountains were SO breathtaking. I'm so super excited to go again soon...ish. I honestly considered being a flight attendant just so I could fly everyday, but I don't think they get to look out the window But really, best thing ever.

Just one last thing:

I weigh my success and happiness on two forces: my faith in Christ and the power I access from his infinite Atonement and the strength of the prayers of my family. I know that this is why I am strong. Thank you a million times over. Thank you. If y'all wanna send me some blackberry jam...not gonna lie that would be fantastic. I'm craving it something awful!

Guess I'd better head down to the basement and see if I can find any more blackberry jam. I'm thinking she could probably buy a bottle in Texas a little cheaper and
easier.  What do y'all think?


  1. Go ahead and send the blackberry jam, it will be great for her self concept in speaking of her faith and knowing her family is 100% with her! I know some great family will invite her to a true texas barbeque and pray for her and treat her well, I just know it, the sunshine will come out and everything will be great for her, what a sweet young lady, GOD WILL GUIDE AND PROTECT HER, soon the time will fly and she will back in the loving arms of her Momma and Daddy and siblings, it will go fast and she will be changed only for the better, God's blessings to Teach and to you and her entire family, thanks for the update, it is always wonderful to read of what is happening in your life and Teach's too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. When she says "all y'all" you'll know she's been here a long time :)

    So fun to hear about her, I have been wondering how shed doing. I hope she doesn't see a ton of roaches. I don't know how they are in ft worth, but I've only seen a few in the 3 years I've been here!

  3. I reckon if she's "craving it something awful" -- y'all better send the blackberry jam! ;o)

    It's just one way of saying how much she misses her family... and wants a little bit of home with her in Texas. Sounds like she is doing great, and growing in the gospel.

  4. By the way I totally saw some cockroaches the other day on a work related adventure. I wanted to throw up. Utah roaches are small, I can only imagine Texas roaches. That is all.

  5. Sweet! Hope she gets her blackberry jam!

  6. First of only your homemade blackberry jam will work. I loved reading about her mission. She is also a good writer. You are going experience such joy as you see her grow. I loved having a missionary out.
