
Apr 29, 2013


I don't think any of you will be surprised to know that I love to sing. When I was in high school I was in Swing Choir and Chamber Choir and when I was a senior I sang at State Choir. It was so cool! We even made a record (that I can't even listen to anymore), but let me tell you, 50 male voices singing Down in the Valley was so awesome. It gave me goosebumps.

So when the girls asked me to join our Church choir with them before Christmas, I jumped at the chance. Normally I don't sing with the choir because it makes getting kids ready for church very difficult, but my sweetie agreed that he could handle it, so off we went.

I loved it! First let me say that I love Christmas songs and singing them in harmony with a group is the best. But after our Christmas program was over, we switched to the 11:00 church schedule and that was the end of choir for me.

She looks more and more like me every day. Poor girl.
The choir director invited me (and the girls) to come back to choir for the Easter songs, but I didn't feel like it was fair to my sweetie so I told him "No." Then right before Teach's farewell, a member of our bishopric approached my sweetie and asked if there was any way that the girls and I could come back and support the choir.

After a very short conversation with my sweetie, we both agreed that this was now an unofficial calling and that meant I would always support the choir if at all possible. So today we got the opportunity to exercise our voices and sing before the congregation. It was a beautiful rendition of Come Unto Christ by Sally DeFord.

I would love to have given you a real picture, but they discourage us from taking pictures at our Sacrament Meetings. Not that they are secret, everyone is invited to attend, but they don't want to make them a media circus and destroy the spirit.

So instead I have a picture of Prima Donna and her cute crimped hair. She is one of my singing buddies along with Crafty and Princess.

I love singing in our little choir. It's not like the huge choir I participated in during high school, nor is it a hundred voices strong, but I give it my best and to my ears it sounds like a heavenly chorus.


  1. I was in our choir til we switched to 1:00 church... and they had choir at 4:15. I told them straight up that I wouldn't make if this year, between being pregnant and then having the baby it just wouldn't happen. Somehow I've still ended up singing twice with the choir and accompanying for them once so far this year.

    I'm glad you and your girls love choir! And fabulous that Sweetie is able to take over at home so you can go to choir!

  2. what do you sing? I used to be a soprano, but now am an alto (and have a range well into tenor territory). so glad you get the opportunity to sing again!

  3. I wish I could sing....that's just something I was not given, but boy do I appreciate those that can!
