
Mar 27, 2013

Raingutter Regatta

I have been so busy this week! Remember when I said I planned stuff last weekend so I wouldn't have time to miss Teach? Well, this stuff I didn't plan. It's been on the calendar for months. Tonight was Pack Meeting and not just any pack meeting, it was the Raingutter Regatta.

I didn't really have a hand in helping my kids make their boats. Other than a couple of trips to the store for supplies, my sweetie was in charge of that part. My job was awards, reminders, and gathering everything up from various places, including the raingutters.

Last year for the regatta we used candy bars for prizes. This year we decided the scouts would much rather have hats similar to the ones I embroidered for the Pinewood Derby. My sweetie made the designs on the computer and then I did all the embroidery on my machine. There were a dozen total and the last 7 I made today between 1:00 and 4:30 and yeah, it took pretty much all that time. I was stressing a little since I had to be at the church by about 5:30 to set up chairs. Thank goodness everything ran smoothly!

Usually the Dog Walker and I got over to the church early to set up, but I was afraid we would run into the volleyball boys again, so we didn't leave until after 5:30. This was pushing it since the scouts were due to arrive at 6:10. The race started at 6:30. But we took all the kids with us this time and I was amazed at how quickly they set up the tables and chairs.

The races proceeded quickly. Sport made an amazing boat that looked like a pirate ship. It was incredibly slow and only won its first race because the boat in the other gutter got stuck and never finished. Scout's boat made it all the way to the finals, but was edged out in the second to last race. She was excited anyway because both she and Sport won the Best Looking Boat, his in the Cub Class and hers in the Open Class.

That was all we won for today, but that's OK. Curly was pretty disappointed and cried for quite a while until he discovered the treat table. He usually wins for speed in the Pinewood Derby and has brought home hats every year.

All in all it was tons of fun! I'm pretty sure my sweetie is one of the best CubMasters ever! I know a bunch of kids with green hats that would agree with me.


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