
Mar 7, 2013

Guess What!?

My amazing sweetie has been so good to take the kids to school this week! I just love sleeping in. It took me a while to drag myself out and get my act together this morning. I'm afraid I've been feeling a bit under the weather lately. Curly and Baby Doll are all boogery too.

But I digress...

Around 10:00 I finally entered the office and sat down at my computer. I was stunned by this exciting email:

My name is Libby Mitchell and I am the producer of the Browser 5.0 on KSL TV. I was at Disney on Ice last night, saw your t-shirts, checked out your blog, and am wondering if you would like to be our blogger of the week on Wednesday March 13th. I would need you here at the studio by 12:30 and you would be done by one.

Let me know if you are interested. 

Am I interested??? Are you kidding me???
I immediately tapped out a quick response to the affirmative. Then I waited. Impatiently. I really wanted a confirmation before I started sharing the news with everyone.

After about 10 minutes I decided I couldn't wait any longer, and I reached for my cell phone. I really wanted to tell someone so I called my sweetie. He was so impressed he even offered to take the day off and accompany me to the TV station. Then I called Bossy. She didn't answer, so I called Teach. I rarely call her at work, but I figured this was pretty big news and what were they going to do, fire her? Her last day is next Saturday anyway. 

After sharing my news with her, I texted the other kids to let them know. Then I looked up the show on Google. Apparently it's part of the Noon News on Channel 5 and it is usually aired around 12:50. I watched three episodes and typed all the questions so I won't look dumb during the interview. At least I can try not to look dumb...

Have any of you ever been the Blog of the Week? Such exciting things going on around here. I'll try to post the interview for you next week when it airs. If you are in Utah maybe you can catch it live. And please don't tell me if I look dumb...I don't really think I want to know.


  1. Oh man! That's huge, Sandy!! Congratulations! I hope you are able to post a clip after, I would love to see it!

  2. That is SO COOL, congrats!!! Would love to see it live, but work just gets in the way - LOL. Hope there's a clip to watch online!!

  3. Wow Sandy, what a celebrity you are, how COOL!!! Good luck!
