
Mar 30, 2013

Easter Traditions

We had a lot of people stop by our blog today and I'm guessing that is because they all wanted to see our Easter traditions. And we have done a few things for Easter this year. Today my sweetie got up early and made Hot Cross Buns in honor of Good Friday. They are so yummy! I love the fruit and nuts in them.

Princess helped with the icing.
On Wednesday he came home early from work to make Bunny Rolls so we could send some to Teach. And today I went to the store and bought 14 dozen eggs for coloring. That's a dozen eggs each. The kid checking at the store couldn't stop talking about the fact that I had 14 dozen eggs in my cart. I told him that we would only eat about half of them, but at 95 cents a dozen, it was awfully cheap entertainment. He couldn't argue with that.

I went to the dollar store and bought a cheap Easter basket to send to Teach. I filled it with all kinds of candy; little chocolate bunnies, Reese's eggs, Hershey's eggs, and Peeps. I even bought a bag of Kroger jelly beans to remind her of Smiths. I added 5 Bunny Rolls and last but not least, a headband with bunny ears on it just to be silly.

It cost me $13 to ship it from the UPS store to the MTC on a same-day delivery. I probably would have paid half that for gas to drop it off myself (if that were allowed), so I was happy. And remember Bossy's wreath project a few weeks ago and our Easter egg hunt...

I guess I'm only reminding you about all of this because tonight I sat Curly down and said, "We've got a problem." He gazed at me with his big blue eyes full of concern. "What is it?" I gave him my most serious look, "Where is the Easter Bunny going to put any candy for you?" He looked around. "On the pew?" he said hopefully. "What about your Easter baskets?" I answered.

At that point my sweetie jumped in. "The Dog Walker said we weren't doing any decorations this year." And he's right! We didn't. Not a speck of Easter at my house except for the wreath on my door. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because Teach is gone. Or maybe because Easter is so early this year. Or maybe because we had snow and the kids went sledding just last Saturday!

But you can read about our past Easter celebrations.

Whatever, this year I just can't get in the mood.

And you know what? In a couple of days it won't matter.

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