
Mar 4, 2013

Dance Recital

My sweetie says I have to get to bed before midnight since I have jury duty tomorrow and the time is ticking down. Teach is working on cutting some video from the Christmas Dance Recital and I asked her if she would put some up to share with you.

Watch for the cute little boy in the blue sparkly shirt. That's Curly.

Scout is in the blue with the armbands. She is such a beatiful little ballerina!

Crafty and Prima Donna's performing team danced to Homeless in the black and gray outfits.

And I probably don't even have to point out Princess.

So sit back and relax and enjoy a tiny bit of their show. Who is making the popcorn??

(And don't worry, It's 11:47 and I'm heading for bed. Teach is doing the final posting...) 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gos,h this was so cute. It brought back big memories to me. We had our three daughters in a dance recital in Richmond, Utah when they were 3, 4, and 6 years old. Our oldest almost broke her hip doing the hula. She could really swing those hips. All the other little girls were trying to follow her.
    Just so adorable.
    Blessings to you all!
