
Mar 2, 2013

Basketball Tournament

Tonight was the beginning and the end of the basketball tournament for my team. We played our first game at 7:00. Teach had to work so she wasn't with us and they had plenty of head-toppers that were pushing 6 feet. Little old me at 5'8" and not a jumper didn't stand a chance at the rebounds.

We were ahead for a few precious seconds in the first quarter but it was all downhill after that. I managed to make four points in that game from the outside, but we still lost by 20 points.

After that we had to sit for an hour until our second game started at 9:00. I think that was the biggest problem. The other team came in fresh because they played their first game last night so they weren't tired. Even though Teach joined us for the second game we were still way shorter than they were.

After all that sitting, I was definitely off my game and I only threw in one basket and that was on the third try. Teach was awesome! She made 8 points, but it still wasn't enough.

I can't believe how tired two games of basketball can make me now that I'm geting older. And because we didn't have any spectators to take a picture for you, I can't even put one up.

Maybe tomorrow when Teach gets off work we will pose for you in a couple of my stinky, sweaty jersies so maybe you can get a feel for what we looked like.

Since I've been up until 3:00 AM supporting the Dog Walker with his homework, I'm sure I can even recreate the "tired" look.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, those must have been some interesting games. I can't imagine that there would be that many sisters so tall. I have played basketball for years until I broke my ankle years ago. I have played just by myself or with some grandchildren the last several years. I do lay ups the best; and my son's loved to try and stop me. Now with my knee injuries I won't be able to do that.
    I would love to see your pictures. Get some sleep! I seriously don't know how you do it all.
    Blessings and hugs on this one!
