
Feb 25, 2013

Dare to Dream

I told you yesterday that I was boxing up old VHS movies to go into storage since I couldn't bear to part with them yet. Did I mention that some of them were Disney movies? Well, Prima Donna happened to come in while we were sorting and she nearly had a fit when we put Hercules into the box. Why is it that the girls are so enraptured with Disney?

Why do they identify with the Princesses? Every one of my girls have chosen their favorites. Want to guess?
Bossy - Ariel
Drama Queen - Belle
Teach - Pocahontas
Princess - Tiana
Prima Donna - Megara
Crafty - Rapunzel
Scout - Cinderella
Baby Doll -  Snow White

Me? I like Mulan. We loved the last Disney on Ice show because we got to see so many of our favorite traditional princesses, but I have to say that I'm really looking forward to the Dare to Dream show we are seeing next week. The previews look like it focuses on three specific princesses, all from our list...Cinderella, Rapunzel, and Tiana.

I hope you can all join us at that show in Salt Lake City. Our tickets are for opening night, March 6, and remember to use the MOM code when you buy your tickets to save a bunch of money!

Which Disney Princess do you like the best?

** I am a Feld Family Ambassador and in exchange for my time and efforts in attending shows and reporting my opinion within this blog, as well as keeping you advised of the latest discount offers, Feld Entertainment has provided me with complimentary tickets to Feld shows and opportunities to attend private Feld pre-Show events. Even though I received these benefits, I always give an opinion that is 100% mine. **


  1. Ariel was my all time favorite princess from the time I was 5. I just saw Brave a month ago though, and Merida has gone high up on my list. I must have an attraction to redheads... :)

  2. That's such a hard decision! I loved Ariel and Belle as a little girl, but was obviously a fan of all the Disney princess movies. Enjoy your show. I'd really love to attend one sometime!

  3. Cinderella has always been my fav, although I was jealous of the library that Belle gets :)

    I can't wait for a review of the show! I also can't wait for my baby to get here and I can take her to Disney on ice!

  4. Just to clarify,


    For example, this Christmas we noticed Baby Doll didn't know all of them. So for the few weeks before Christmas we made flash cards but then she got a Disney princess Little People Castle for Christmas. It has a magic ballroom and if you put a princess on a certain spot she will say her name, a quote from the movie, and she'd sing a song from the show. It was perfect to teach Baby Doll the princesses.

    Yes, we aren't trying to force upon her the alphabet, just all the Disney Princesses names

    Yeah... We're a little obsessed...

  5. Cinderella is my favorite one. I think it so awesome that you can take your children to these productions. What a fun post and I loved the pictures and the list of the movies your children liked the best.
