
Feb 10, 2013

Another Party

We celebrated the Gym Rat's 26th birthday today. Now if you could choose anything for your birthday dinner, what would you pick?

Yeah? Me too! But not the Gym Rat. He wanted home made rolls and Tuna Casserole! That was pretty easy and economical to feed 19 people. It's so fun having all the kids here for a party. The Drama Queen came up yesterday so she could help Princess with her dance preparations and for the party today.

 Bossy brought her family over for dinner and cake and we had Grandpa and a friend of the Gym Rat's with us as well. I made the cake yesterday and put it in the freezer, then I pulled it out after we had eaten dinner and quickly frosted it so he could eat it partially frozen. That's his very favorite way to eat a Funfetti birthday cake. As a grand finale, my sweetie lit one more Chinese lantern for those who missed the fun yesterday. It skirted a tree but then went straight up. Thank goodness! I didn't want to be responsible for burning down any of the neighbor's houses.

After we were finished with the eating the kids mostly scattered for their activities. Grandpa and the Drama Queen quickly hit the road and Teach took off for a church meeting. The others tried to get away, but I made them help clean up. The Dog Walker and I headed for the office for more homework.

His homework seems to be the story of my life lately. Last semester he had his classes on MWF and this time they are on TTH. I don't think we will do that again. The assignments mid-week are killers and even though we try to get a jump on them over the weekend, it is so difficult to stay on top of things.

But I digress...

This was supposed to be a post about the Gym Rat's birthday. And food.
I wish I had taken a couple of pictures for you.
Sorry. As an apology I'll go eat another piece of cake in your honor. Will that help?


  1. Awesome. Happy Birthday to GymRat!

  2. You guys have the best parties ever!

    Also, now I REALLY want Funfetti cake! I haven't had that in forever, and it was always one of my top 2 choices in desserts (chocolate cake/cupcakes being the other in the top 2)

  3. wow, it sounds like an awesome party. You are such a busy person; you are just amazing. I don't know what a Funfetti cake is; but it sounds good.
    Belated happy Birthday to the Gym Rat.
