
Jan 12, 2013

Where Did the Time Go?

This morning my sweetie said, "You mean we won't always be changing diapers and taking care of babies?" I gave him a sad little smile and shook my head.

Earlier this week I was moving the crib to a new spot and thinking it was probably time to put Baby Doll into a toddler bed. But I'm still dragging my feet. It's hard to believe that time has come. We bought that crib when Drama Queen was a baby, over 23 years ago. Can it really finally be time to see it retire?

Teach pulled in these extremely cute pictures of Curly and Baby Doll. Look at my darling little curly-haired three-year-old. And this picture of Baby Doll when she was still a baby... just a year ago.


Look at her now, just one year later. So grown up and such a big girl (a bit spoiled, I might add).

And here is my big boy turning 4.

Where did the time go?


  1. Awe what a precious baby girl! Time does have a way of getting ahead of us. My baby is soon to be 23 - that's how old I was when I married. Crazy!

  2. Time flies when you have children. It just seems to go faster with each one you have!

  3. They're adorable! I remember watching my sister and brother grow up. There was this one moment which I still remember vividly: My brother walking through the room when he was probably around 2 years old, and he looked back at me and smiled - and I could see the little boy instead of the baby.

    Now he's 18 and I have to look up slightly to meet his eyes. He's such a punk.


  4. they really do grow up fast.. it's too fast for my taste.
