
Jan 30, 2013

The Drawing

Did I tell you my kids are off-track? They went off last week and with all the craziness around here we haven't had much time to do anything fun. Then we got a text from Chick Fil A about their off-track breakfast party. Now you know I love free food and a chance to win prizes just makes it that much better!

So I dragged all the kids out of bed around 8:15 so we could be there right at 9:00. It was cold and snowing outside and we slid a couple of times leaving the neighborhood, but we were headed for a party so there were no complaints.

We were the first ones there and they were very excited to see us. I think they were worried that the weather would keep everyone away. We started with a free paperback book for each kid and some fun coloring pages. After they were all settled at the coloring table, I ordered food. Each of the five kids I had with me (from Crafty and down) got a free three-piece Chickn Mini.With a few more coupons, I managed to feed all six of us full meals including orange juice for $8.29.

The kids were very excited about the promised drawings coming up! They had DVDs and nice hard-cover books for the lucky winners. Right before they drew their first names, Bossy showed up with Taco and Burrito and wouldn't you know it, the first name pulled out of the can was Burrito. The manager presented him with a nice book and then asked for another volunteer to draw the next name.

After about 3 winners were chosen, Crafty was asked to pull the next name. The manager held the bucket high over her head and Crafty stood on her tip-toes to reach a slip of paper. Imagine her surprise when she pulled out her very own name!

Her cheeks flamed red as the manager handed her one of the 25th Anniversary Thomas books. If I hadn't known better, I might have thought they slipped spicy chicken in her sandwiches...


  1. What a fun morning!! Love that smile on her face!

  2. Oh my gosh what a fun morning for all of you. I loved the pictures and the activity. Have fun while they are off from school. You are always such a busy mommy. I love your adventures.
    Blessings to you all!
