
Jan 13, 2013

Sunday Night Blues

Do you ever get the Sunday night blues? You know, the "I'm just not ready to go back to real-life" blues? I'm feeling them big-time today!

It's not just a regular Sunday for me. Tomorrow is the start of the spring Semester at the community college and that means the Dog Walker will be back in class. I really am very happy for him. He is an amazing student and he works so hard! Did I tell you he got an A in every class last semester? And some of those classes were really hard for him. He had Psychology, Sociology, Intro to Music, Communications, and Lifetime Fitness.

This semester we decided to help him choose an easier schedule but one that would still fill requirements toward a degree. He has International Literature and Culture, Humanities, Meteorology, Marriage and Family Relations, Scuba II, and Social Dance I. OK, the last two are fluff, but I want him to have some fun in school too.

Anyway, back to my dilemma...

Even though he does really well in school, it is still tons of work for me. He needs help staying organized and on-task, and since Teach will be busy getting ready to go on her mission, she won't be nearly as much help with that as she was last semester.

I've been busy and productive this last week or so, but honestly, I've enjoyed the downtime too. So now it's time to suck it up and quit complaining. We are so grateful that he has the opportunity to go to school in the first place. His scholarship has made it manageable financially and the fact that the Gym Rat gave him his old car to drive and that he actually can get himself to school and back is a huge blessing.

There's nothing like counting my blessings to help me put it all back into perspective.

Now if I could just kick these Sunday night blues...


  1. I thought you were going to say a lot of sad things about me like I always feel so sad for making all the "Same Mistakes" (One Direction song) I've done in my life.

  2. You are truly blessed. A neighbor who just moved has a son almost 18 with Asperger's she has to fight for every little help a single mom no less and poor, her son is quiet and kind of scares people. I never was scared of him, he is sweet after the Newtown stuff he was teased mercilessly so they switched his classes, he is happier now.People who are alone raising children with any kind of how can I say it differences have a lot of work, you never complain and adore your boy and what a great young man he is developing into it is because of YOU and YOUR HUBBS. You love him and work with him and know God has a great plan for his life. Congrats to you and yours, you really know the meaning of Mother and Father, my neighbor and friend met a fellow who teaches kids with needs and is smitten, he knows the path to happiness is constant help and attention, and love...have a good year, the blues hit everyone, we are having snow right now and it won't stop in the pacific northwest, not dry snow but wet and icy conditions, it really gets to me and I just have to have some herbal teas and read your blog and I am happy in one two three. Have a great week, God loves you and yours, you are a great inspiration to anyone, ciao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
