
Jan 25, 2013

It's Your Birthday!! - Guest Blogger: Teach

Happy birthday, Mom!!

We are so grateful to have you in our lives and you are the best mom ever. You are an excellent mufti-tasker, problem solver, advocate with school counselors, and taxi driver. You keep us warm (sometimes VERY warm!) fed, and very stylishly clothed. Your hard work to make our home run smoothly does not go unnoticed. We love you and hope you celebrate the best birthday you've had all year! :) Thanks for being there when we need you and being the greatest thing since sliced bread. Or donuts.:)

Love you, MOM!



  1. Happy birthday, Sandy! Hope you don't have to do too much work today and that your family spoils you!!

  2. Happy Birthday, hope you have a wonderful day!!!!

  3. Happy Birthday 1965 birthday baby girl, hoping you enjoy your birthday in style and let your family spoil you for all you do for them. You are amazing, most mommas I know with just two kids don't do anything like you do for your kids, they are wonderful human beings, well behaved and disciplined and educated too! Plus they have their dad in the home which to me is a big big blessing..Both you and your hubbs are to be congratulated, you love your God, you adore your kids and it shows in all they accomplish it is because of YOU and YOUR HUBBS too. Since it is your birthday Happy Birthday to you #48 right? wow look young, it must be your faith, clean living and your marriage and your wonderful family, many happy returns of this day and for the entire year! XXX()()()()()()XXXXXX
