
Nov 28, 2012

Pinewood Derby Day

Did you know that yesterday was a holiday? That's right! According to my sweetie it was Pinewood Derby Day and that is definitely a new holiday. With the all preparation, it felt like one. On Pinewood Derby Eve my sweetie was up until nearly 2:00 AM polishing wheels and adding graphite.

I was very excited to have this day finally come. The races were exciting and chaotic! We had three lanes on the track, so it took a little longer that it did last year. We had over 40 cars checked in by 6:30. We even had a few late-comers after that. The kids were so excited that one little guy even fell off the stage. That was pretty traumatic, but thank goodness he wasn't seriously hurt.

Since we made cars in the girl scout troop, every one of my kids who was there except for Teach had a car in the races. Even Baby Doll had a tiny car the girls helped her make. The Dog Walker and my sweetie handled the cars and keeping track of who went where, and I got to be the meanie to keep everyone away from table. It's amazing how many kids just want to touch all those shiny little cars!

It took about an hour to get all those cars down the track several times each. One by one, most of my kids' cars were eliminated in the first or second rounds. Only three of them remained competitive. Princess with her Twinkie car, Sport with his Broncos car, and Curly with his shiny silver car.

Princess eventually took 4th place, not good enough for a hat, but definitely worthy of bragging rights.

Three of those 12 hats did end up back at my house permanently. Crafty won best design in Open Class for her hot dog car, Sport won best design for his Broncos car after narrowly being edged out of the top three for speed. And once again, Curly won second place for speed with his new car for the second year in a row. I don't know how he does it, maybe it's the curls!


  1. Three winners in the family is most impressive! Ours always looked like crudely painted blocks. You guys did great!

  2. Wow, this one brought back some memories. We were so into Cub Scouting and the Pine Wood Derbys.
    Having three winners is awesome. Just yesterday I was pulling out the Christmas decorations and found a box with three pinewood derby cars. I will need to have my three boys identify them and then they can have them.
    Blessings and have a great week!

  3. Sounds nice. We have space derby on Saturday.

  4. Man, glad the little guy who fell off the stage is alright. Whew, that's a long way down! So I'm lovin' those hats, what a cool idea!
