
Nov 19, 2012

Guest Blogger: The Piano Story by Dog Walker

Now I have to guest blog again, because Mom is so exhausted every night, but that's not a problem. It's always nice to do something for your loved one who is tired a lot more than anybody. Right now, Mom asked me to write about a piano story. It was last Saturday, and Mom, Dad, Teach and I went downtown in Temple Square to go see one more concert that I had to do for my music class. It was a concert about a pianist named Lara Lambert Allen. She played an amazing job there. I had to take notes on it, so I could write an essay on it and then submit it. Lara did a very good job on the piano. She played lots of masterpieces from composers like Bach.

Here's a thing about that, every time I hear a piano play like that, it makes me feel like I want to play the piano too. Mom has been giving piano lessons every summer, but usually we can't afford a piano teacher to give piano lessons to each of us. Maybe someday, Mom might become a piano teacher to teach all of us kids to play the piano in a professional way. It may take some time to do that, but it would be fun.


  1. I've alwyas wanted to be able to play the piano

  2. I love playing the piano! I try to sit down and play for a few minutes every day! I think I would have liked going to that piano concert as well. Thanks for sharing with us!

  3. Good you did the blog so your momma could rest and recuperate.You sound like one of her sweetest kids.Maybe you will get your wish come true and your Momma will teach you, I can almost hear you playing.Gods Blessings to you and your family, Happy Thanksgiving Day, we are staying home, I got the flu recovering and resting..peace to you all!
