
Nov 9, 2012

Guest Blog: Friday Fun by Crafty and Mom

So today we went sledding. It was pretty fun with our variety of sleds. After a while of sledding, Bossy pointed to a path that had two jumps right in a row. We went over there and had our shot at it.

Bean Dip went first on an inflatable sled. He mostly just went sideways and made a fool of himself. I went next and did it perfectly!

After everyone had their go at it, we started to get cold. We all headed home to sip hot chocolate and warm up by the fire...ahhh the joys of winter.

My sweetie and I also experienced the winter, but in a slightly different way. Almost two weeks ago, I committed to make a trip to Wyoming today to deliver some Tupperware. I was looking forward to some time alone with my sweetie and a nice long drive together without the kids could give us some time to reconnect. That was long before we knew that today would bring the first real winter snowstorm to Utah.

We headed out about 10:00 and the snow was already covering the ground here in the valley. To get to McKinnon, Wyoming, we had to travel through Park City and Parley's Canyon, through Evanston, and then through several small towns until we arrived at our destination. The drive was anything but relaxing!

My sweetie handled it well and I read to him to keep from watching the swirling snow. When we finally reached McKinnon, we spent about an hour with our sweet host and then hit the road again. After a quick stop in Manila, we made our way back toward Utah.

We stopped at a little Chinese restaurant for lunch. I took a picture for you. I couldn't believe they made Chicken Chow Mein with Ramen noodles! Back on the road again we ran into more snow and ice. The going was slow, but we finally made it home around 7:00. Our relaxing trip turned out to be a nail-biter, so we decided to take a few more minutes and go out for some real food by ourselves.

It's still snowing and we already have several inches here. Time to hibernate with a cup of hot cocoa. Stay warm!


  1. Yep, we had our hot chocolate tonight. The driving story was just plain scary. I hate driving in the snow. We have been that route before in the snow; and I don't think we would try it again.
    The sled activity sounded so fun. We haven't done that for years. I do have some stories from High School on that one.
    Blessings and hugs!

  2. I hate driving in snow. The drivers in the dc area are crazy on dry roads. In Rain or snow, they are really scary. Thank goodness I work at home now...
