
Nov 4, 2012

Bingham Ball

 Did I tell you my sweet Princess had another date to a fancy ball? This one was girl's choice and she was SOO nervous to ask anyone! She started talking about it the day after the Homecoming Dance, but then it took her a couple of weeks to ask.

Kayden was her guy of choice, a great kid who lives down the street. (I keep telling my kids that one of them needs to marry a Quinn, I really want to be part of their family! They seem to always have so much fun.) I spent hours making her dress and doing her hair. We ordered a flower and bought long gloves and masks since it was a masquerade ball.

They had their Day Activity (get-to-know-ya) on Friday morning since school was out for end of term. It consisted of a trip to the mall and a scavenger hunt. On Saturday, she picked him up at 5:00 so my sweetie could take some pictures before dinner and the dance. While we were waiting for the clock, I snapped these of just her in our front yard.

We borrowed the Gym Rat's nice car since it was easier for them to climb in the back in their long dresses. Princess's favorite place is the Village Inn, so that's where they went for dinner. Then we picked them up and drove them downtown for the dance. After dropping them off, we went shopping, delivered some Tupperware, and got some dinner. Our last stop was Harman's where we picked up some fancy little raspberry cheesecakes and mineral water as a dessert for the kids.

They stayed all the way to the end of the dance and then they came back to our place and watched a movie until midnight. The second couple is Princess's dance friend, Abby and her date, Damien. Aren't they just so cute?!


  1. Awwwww, what a wonderful event for them. They were adorable!

  2. I am curious. I understand the desire to dress modestly. Since you made her dress why did you not choose a pattern with sleeves? The material is gorgeous and the t-shirt does not enhance the look.

  3. Yes, they certainly are adorable! Love the pics!

    Happy Tuesday!

  4. Here's my opinion on the dress. We chose the pattern together and at the time we decided the lack of sleeves were not a problem since it had a full back and the shoulders were wide and modest. When Princess put the dress on (the morning of the dance) she felt that it was still not as modest as she wanted. That is actually a black leotard she is wearing. We didn't have time to buy anything else. I'm glad my daughter wants to wear modest clothes, but sometimes it is a bit inconvenient. I thought the dress looked fine without the leo, but I wasn't the one wearing it. Maybe it made her dance better...she practically lives in the things anyway.
