
Oct 10, 2012

We are Going to Disney on Ice!

Remember last month when the awesome people with Feld Entertainment gave us free tickets to see the Ringling Bros. & Barnum and Bailey Circus? Well, a few days ago, they slipped me another offer I couldn't passes to Disney on Ice Celebrates 100 Years of Magic! My kids are so excited! Especially Princess; there is more than one reason her blog name is Princess. Down on a shelf in her room is a shrine that includes pretty much every Disney Princess barbie-type doll ever made. She even carries a pink Disney Princess backpack to high school every day.

We have only been to the Disney on Ice show once. I'm 99% sure the show was Pocahontas. It's hard to remember the exact year, so I cheated a little and looked on Wikipedia. Pocahontas played from 1996 - 2000 and that was the perfect time-frame for my memory. I was pretty sure that Prima Donna was a baby, so that meant about 1999. Princess would have been 3, Dog Walker 6, Teach 8, Drama Queen 10, Gym Rat 12, and Bossy about 14.

We were so excited to take our kids then too. Tickets were expensive and if I remember correctly, Grandma was also with us. At 6 the Dog Walker was very autistic, still not really speaking or communicating. He didn't like new things or new places and he was not happy to be going on our outing. Unfortunately, leaving him home was not really a possibility. Most babysitters preferred to stay away and taking him to a relative's house would have had similar problems.

So we bought him a ticket. I'm sure the show was awesome! But I couldn't really tell you. The only part I remember was a ship. Mostly I was trying to control my son who was completely out of control and screaming the entire time.

When we told him this story today he didn't remember it or the show, after all, he is 18 now and much more adaptable. He loves all things Disney and he can hardly wait to go this time. And that's just how I feel.

If you live in Utah, the big show starts on Wednesday, November 14th and runs through the 18th. Opening night tickets are only $12. You can grab some for yourself at the EnergySolutions box office or you can stop by Smiths and have Teach ring them up for you in the customer service booth. We will be there opening night. Wave if you see us, I promise the Dog Walker won't be screaming this time, unless it's from excitement.

There are even more awesome pics at

** I am a Feld Family Ambassador and in exchange for my time and efforts in attending shows and reporting my opinion within this blog, as well as keeping you advised of the latest discount offers, Feld Entertainment has provided me with complimentary tickets to Feld shows and opportunities to attend private Feld pre-Show events. Even though I received these benefits, I always give an opinion that is 100% mine. **


  1. I remember that the Disney on Ice show was actually Toy Story. Does that help remember?

  2. I have only seen one of the Shows on ice; so thanks for letting us know about it. I may see if my husband would like to go and maybe take some of our grand kids. I think it is so awesome that your son can go and enjoy it this one. Blessings!

  3. Oh so exciting! I always wanted so badly to see Disney on Ice as a kid. I never did, but maybe someday! =]

  4. I saw a Disney on Ice once when I was little, don't remember what one, but I remember it being a magical night! I am honestly so jealous that you guys get to go to this one, it looks awesome. I wish I could convince Chris to go to something like this with me. Well, eventually we'll have kids who will want to go, maybe then... I hope you share your experience with us, I totally can't wait to hear how the kiddos love it!
