
Oct 17, 2012

The Most Random Pics Possible

I had a huge nasty headache last night, so I begged Teach to drop some pictures into a post so I could write something for you this morning. Boy, does she pick some weird things! But just for fun we will go with it anyway. This first picture is Drama Queen's birthday I would guess about 5 years ago. I am picking that random year based on the size of Crafty in the background. She looks about the same size as Scout does now and that is 6. The other clue is the fact that there is no cake topper. We do fun toppers and candles until the kids are adults so Drama Queen must be 18. We were also in the process of repainting the family room. What do you think of those blue walls?

This is a picture of Prima Donna. Wow! I forgot our living room looked like that once. We had the peach-colored walls for a long time but as you know, they are green now. And that faux leather couch bit the dust years ago.

These next two are both scout-related. The first one was a picture of a snake we had to visit at the zoo for about 8 weeks in a row. This snake actually liked to hide so some weeks we ended up with a picture of what looked like an empty cage. This was NOT my favorite merit badge. But driving up to the zoo once a week was certainly preferable to owning our own snake!  The second one is the Dog Walker working on either the Auto Maintenance badge or the Auto Mechanics badge.
I have absolutely no idea why this picture was taken or who that leg belongs to! My best guess would be Teach since she likes taking random photos of things.

Don't you love this fun picture of Princess getting ready to head out for 80s day?

And last but not least, the kids on our whitewater rafting trip to Denver a couple of years ago. This was certainly the most money we put into helping the Dog Walker earn a merit badge and probably the most fun for the kids.

Thanks, Teach for the fun walk down memory lane!


  1. That IS random. I didn't even notice the half-painted wall until you wrote it. lol

    I would have liked visiting the zoo rather than owning the snake too!

  2. Ok now that was fun! What a great idea, those random pictures are a wonderful way to go down memory lane!

    Hope your head feels better!

  3. That picture of Drama Queen's birthday. I looked at myself in there. I look almost super skinny in that picture. I wish I was like that again.

  4. Mini Guest Blog:

    The bear I'm holding in the picture is Crafty's but I thought it was mine because she asked me to pay the 50 cents tax. This picture always makes me giggle thinking about how I thought about money back than.

  5. I am loving the random pics! That was fun!
