
Oct 18, 2012

Fall Break at Cornbelly's

It's Fall Break here in Utah and that means all the kids (except the Dog Walker) are out of school for the weekend! So today we had our second Girl Scout Cornbelly's! Cornbelly's is a huge corn maze at Thanksgiving Point. They also have tons of other fun activities likes bounce houses and pedal cars and slides...the list goes on and on.

I'd never been there before, but at one of our Girl Scout activities this summer, they gave out discount passes and told us that they had a Girl Scout 100 anniversary maze this year. It was definitely something I thought would be fun for our troop. Since all the kids were out of school, we took everyone and with our group of 21, we got an even better discount.

We headed out about 9:45 and arrived just after 10:00. It took us a while to get through the gate because even though they had just opened, it was crowded. They girls were all so excited to be there! Oh and did I mention that Bossy and her boys were with us too? We started at the Bounce Pillow and then headed for the giant Lincoln Logs. After that it was the slides and bounce houses.

Then we headed for the pedal cars. I even rode around the track a couple of times! The kids loved the little basketball courts (ok, I admit it! It was me loving the basketball...) We went into this little haunted house and Princess who had already been through assured us it wasn't scary. And she was wasn't scary, it was disgusting! At one point a cow's butt sprayed at me. There were big poop droppings on the floor and dead chickens hanging in the pathway. The last part was a slide that I was a bit slow getting out of and the kids behind me (who weren't mine) ran into me. Yeah, I was kind of wishing I had stayed behind and shot a few more hoops.

After the pig races, Bossy took off for a meeting and we decided it was time to find some lunch. The booths there weren't really equipped to make an order for 20 people, so we had to wait for about 30 minutes. While the kids were waiting for their food, we decided it would be ok for them to play on some of the wooden structures next to the picnic area. It wasn't long before my 5-year-old grandson, Burrito, went missing.

My sweetie, Drama Queen, and I immediately split up and started looking for him. We sectioned the park into three areas and each of us headed off in opposite directions. Teach and the Dog Walker stayed with all the other kids and kept them busy with chicken tenders and tots.

After almost 15 minutes of searching, the three of us came up empty. I was starting to panic! Bossy had only be gone less than an hour and I had already lost one of her boys. I headed toward the ticketing area so I could report a lost child.

That's when I spotted him, calmly riding the tricycles with a bunch of other kids. He didn't seem a bit sorry that he had wandered off on his own!

After lunch we headed for the corn maze. It was hard to keep the group together, but we managed somehow. My sweetie and the Dog Walker got off on their own, but at least they were smart enough to get on a platform so we could see them.

We finally got out of the maze and it was almost time to leave. I thought the girls would argue, but they all seemed pretty tired. We finished out the day with giant pixie sticks and the short walk to the car.

Even with all the trauma of Burrito getting lost, I would definitely do it again! But I might spend a little more time near the basketball hoops and stay out of the haunted hayloft.