
Sep 6, 2012

The Circus is Coming!

Remember a few of weeks ago when I posted about the circus? Well, it's almost time! Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey presents Dragons is showing in Salt Lake City from September 20th through the 24th and I can hook you up with some nice discount tickets.

You have to buy your tickets online, but when you get to the part where is asks, "Do you have a Promo code?" You can pump your fist (don't forget the woo-woo-woo part, Baby Doll just learned to do that this week and it is so cute) and then enter the word MOM. That's right, it's that easy.  It will save you five bucks per ticket in the $18 and $25 range.

Unfortunately, it's only available for select performances, but you were probably planning to go on those days anyway. They are Friday, 11:30 AM; Saturday, 11:00 AM; Sunday, 1:30 PM; and Monday 7:00 PM. If those days don't work for you, come on opening night when you can get tickets for only $11! Say "hi" to Teach when you stop by the SmithTIX.

We will be seeing Dragons in our blog shirts, so watch for us. But we are staying far away from the gorillas...

** I am a Feld Family Ambassador and in exchange for my time and efforts in attending shows and reporting my opinion within this blog, as well as keeping you advised of the latest discount offers, Feld Entertainment has provided me with complimentary tickets to Feld shows and opportunities to attend private Feld pre-Show events. Even though I received these benefits, I always give an opinion that is 100% mine. **