
Sep 16, 2012

September Saturday

Downward Facing Dog (Baby Doll loves yoga)
In the Eagle's Nest
Yesterday was one of those busy fall Saturdays where you run all day long and then fall into bed exhausted wondering what happened to the day.  I jumped out of bed at 8:30 (remember I hate early mornings!) and woke Crafty for play practice, but she reminded me it didn't start until 10:00. I tried to go back to sleep for a little bit, but it just wasn't happening. My one morning to sleep in!

The seal lions at the zoo
Sport also had to be ready to leave at 10:00 with his football coach, so then it was breakfast and scrambling to find uniforms and gear. I tackled the pile of dishes in the kitchen and tried to throw the house together before it was noon and time to pick up Crafty and her friend.

We left at 1:00 for Sport's football game. (I'll be so glad when they are finished with these crossover games! They really are disheartening and although the boys played really well, they lost 19 - 0.) After the game we sped back home to change and get ready for my sweetie's work party down at the zoo. We couldn't leave until 4:00 when Scout got home from a friend's birthday party, so we ended up being a little late.

The parking lots were insane! My sweetie said they gave out 8700 tickets for the zoo and dinner. It's a good thing the zoo is big! We got right through the food lines though and then walked around about half the zoo. We had the grandsons with us too because they could get free tickets too so that made it a little crazier.
Riding Trax

We left about 7:00 because the Dog Walker is taking a music class and it requires concert reviews. We found a concert he wanted to attend on Temple Square in the Assembly Hall at 7:30, so my sweetie dropped off me, Prima Donna, and the Dog Walker downtown. We were a few minutes late, but the concert was awesome! I've never seen that many different kinds of trumpets in my life! (If you ever get a chance to see Gabriel, do it.)

So tired!
Then we walked half a block and caught the trax train out to Sandy and my sweetie picked us up there. I was so tired by the time we got home (I've been sick), but the Dog Walker still had homework and needed my support. My sweetie was watching the BYU/Utah football game with the kids downstairs, so at least we had peace and quiet so the Dog Walker could finish up his Comm 1010 test.

I dropped into bed about 12:30 without taking the time to post, but I'm making it up to you today by giving you a bunch of fun random pictures.


  1. Wondering what cross-over games are? Is it where they play the next division up? Thanks for sharing your crazy day!

    -AK Reader

  2. Cross-over games are games played outside our regular league. And yes, we are playing a division up. It's good experience for the boys, but hard on them too. Next week is the last one and then they will play only in their league where the teams are more evenly matched and the games count toward league standings and tournament placing.

  3. That was a busy busy day. No wondered you were tired. I'm tired just reading about it. We are visiting in the area. Is that concert still going on?

  4. That was a busy busy day. No wondered you were tired. I'm tired just reading about it. We are visiting in the area. Is that concert still going on?

  5. Baby Doll is so cute in yoga. She might want to join a yoga class when she's older.
