
Sep 30, 2012


Franco's new hat.
It's been a busy weekend with Crafty's birthday and all. We had the kids all over tonight for a family party. My dad also joined us for dinner, cake, and ice cream. The Gym Rat came home from his trip and reclaimed his doggy which was nice. I've kind of gotten out of the habit of having a pet around since Daisy had to find a new home after nipping at Baby Doll last spring.

Love Menchies!
The kids took pretty good care of Franco while the Gym Rat was gone although he did poop in the house several times just because I think he was a little angry about being left behind. Princess made him a little hat and Teach's friend painted his toenails, so I don't think the Gym Rat will be anxious to leave him again any time soon...

We took the kids over to Menchies on Saturday night to celebrate the end of September (the coupons expired on Sept. 30) and the Dog Walker's awesome new light show in the yard. I will give you a full post on that later in the week after I get Teach to take some real good pictures for me.

The antibiotics have mostly done their job and I am feeling much better. In fact, so are most of the kids. The coughing is fewer and farther between. I have a big Tupperware party at the Curves up in Millcreek tomorrow. I'm hoping to do a good business up there. I've been a bit of a slacker lately, although I dated 4 parties this past week so maybe that will start something for me.

The kids are madly working on their Reflections entries, vowing once again to enter in all 8 categories. That's only a total of 40 entries this year, so it's a little better than last year when we had 48. Sport, Crafty, and Scout are nearly finished with theirs which is a good thing since the deadline is supposed to be Friday. Although Bossy told me they extended the deadline for a couple of weeks, so that gives us a little more time.

Hopefully we are looking at a little easier week although I'm not sure why I think that. Oh, did I tell you that Princess got invited to the Homecoming Dance on Saturday? Normally I would be trying to make her a dress, but I think I'm going to cop out this time and just buy her one. The dance is next Saturday and I don't know if I have the time to get one together. Of course I haven't been looking yet either. We might not be able to find anything she likes. I'll keep you posted there too.

 Have a great week everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Always a delight to read about your family events and moments. You have such a busy life that I wonder if you can ever have a quiet week.
    Hope you can find just the perfect dress for your daughter.
    Loved this one and blessings to you. I do hope you have a quiet moment.
