
Sep 8, 2012

My Little Cheerleaders

Football and Cheer 1998
We had another football game today. I just love watching my boys play football! And Sport is doing a great job. He is on every team except the kickoff team so he rarely gets a break except for half time during any game.
On our way!

When the Gym Rat was a kid and played football, we signed all the girls up to be cheerleaders. That was 14 years ago when Prima Donna was a baby. The girls loved it, but it was too expensive. I just didn't have a couple hundred dollars for each girl after I plunked down football money for the Gym Rat.

Last week's game
So over the years, we have become our own rebel cheerleading squad. We recycle our costumes every year, handing them down to the next sister and altering them so everyone has something that will fit. I've added a few new skirts and tops here and there and our pom poms are long gone, but the girls still look pretty good.

Last week we waited to see if our team had been assigned an real squad and when it became evident that there weren't any official girls, we pulled out our gear. 

The girls lined up today in the end zone and starting yelling and encouraging the boys. There were five of them, Princess, Prima Donna, Crafty, Scout, and Baby Doll. Before long, four more little sisters joined their ranks (although one got scared halfway through the first cheer and ran back to her mama).

Being a cheerleader is a lot of work! Not even a chicken sandwich could keep her eyes open.
The girls are convinced that the only reason our boys scored a safety was because they started doing the Marcarena (a silly dance with movements) and distracted the boys with the ball. Well, I don't know about that, but I definitely believe that cheerleaders help the boys work harder. There's nothing like a cute girl in a short skirt yelling encouraging words to get a guy moving!


  1. I love the great example of how supportive your family is to one another!! Also cute girls/women can always make a difference in any boy/man's life!! Especially when it creates a distraction to the opposing team!!

  2. I am always in awe how you manage your expenses of raising your large family..No one wants to plunk down hundreds of dollars all the time for anything..How you manage to keep all your children involved and happy is beyond me but you do and for that I say hip hip hoorah!!!!!!!!!!!! Your boys get to play and exercise, your girls are the cheerleaders for those activites, your girls do dance, and other activities, each has something they can do and excel in how wonderful..Just hoping you are getting some rest and can get your breath each and the time will come when your little ones will be growing up fast and leaving their momma and daddy's home to take their place in our world, you are doing a wonderful job of parenting and your hubby too..cannot beat that with a stick, the juvenile places would be empty if more parents sacrificed for their kids and had a real home with real spiritual values, love and attention..I see it all the time, kids with no mommas and daddys! Oh sure they have things, but they really need their mommas and daddy's and God and love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God Bless you and your hubby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
