
Sep 29, 2012

Mom/Son Social

Every year our elementary school has a Mom/Son Social, but with Crafty's birthday party (I'll give you the low-down on that tomorrow), I didn't think we would be able to go. Sport also had football practice until 6:00 which is when the event started, and we managed to get there about 6:30. It was a pretty disorganized event, with apple juice and donuts and dancing.

I'm pretty sure I told you that I watch my grandkids after school every day because Bossy has them in our neighborhood school on a permit. You probably figured out already that Bossy and the boys were also at this event. She fits in better than me.

Most of the kids at the elementary school think I'm a grandma. And they are right. Our group was a little confusing...Bossy was dancing like a crazy high school girl with Taco and Burrito (Bean Dip showed up later when he finished with his football practice), and I was moving like a creaky grandma-sort of person with Sport.

We had a lot of fun with the YMCA song and Bossy taught me how to dance to the Thriller song. We didn't win any games but I think Sport ate 4 donuts so that's got to be worth something. We snapped these silly pictures at the picture booth and I got one of the grandsons doing the limbo. Poor Sport, he was eliminated in the first round. After all, he's a lineman, not a contortionist!

Bossy and Burrito
We were some of the last ones out the door, so I guess this old grandma can keep up with all those young moms. Do any of you feel you don't belong? There used to be a day when we were the youngest parents, after all, we had Bossy when I was only 19, but now everything is different. I sometimes wish I could give my little ones the energy and excitement of a young mom. But I do think they are compensated in a couple of ways. I'm a little wiser now and not quite as uptight.

So that's got to be worth something.


  1. Try the opposite end of the spectrum (here in Utah, at least). My oldest is a six year old, and I'm nearly 39. Most of my "friends" with 6 year-olds are, like you were, around 25. So I'm 12-15 years older than everyone in my "peer group" even though I feel "their age!"

  2. My mom is a grandma and a mom and she doesn't really go to many of those events anymore. Haha. But, I definitely think that the younger kids do get it good for other reasons. :] I think you're doing a wonderful job!!

  3. Wow! I'm impressed that you even made it there! With everything else you have going on... great job.

    I want to go with Beth to some events with All Aboard and her friends but she doesn't want me there. She's told me, "It's embarrassing."

    Enjoy it while you can! :)

  4. You are truly the mom of moms Man you impress me!

  5. I always felt out of the loop being so young as a new mom...I was 18, 20 and 21 when I had my first three kids. I fit in a lot better with my daughters(8th grade and 4th grade) as a 38 year old....but with my 3 year old and my 9 month old I think things will be swinging in the other direction. I definitely don't move as fast...but, like you, I am definitely more laid back:)
