
Sep 21, 2012

It was a Circus!

Walking to the show.
Posing for the camera.
So today was it...Circus day! The kids were so excited. We finished homework right after school and loaded the van promptly at 5:30. It took us about 30 minutes to drive downtown. We found parking across the street from the Energy Solutions Arena for $6. I know, I could have parked a block further away for five, but there were eleven of us, so I figured an extra ten cents each was worth it.

Baby Doll loved the horses!
After a brief run-in with the PETA people, we headed for Will-Call to pick up our tickets. All went smoothly and we were so thrilled to find ourselves on Row 17 although honestly, there was not a bad seat in the house. Baby Doll was beside herself with excitement when the first animals came in. She loved the horses and clapped constantly through their program.

Curly wanted to catch the ball.
She didn't have her own seat so we passed her along the row, but she was good and happy for the entire show. I'm not sure why we paid for a seat for Curly because he didn't sit still the entire time. When I asked him his favorite part, it didn't have anything to do with the animals or the acrobats or the eight awesome motorcyclists who rode around inside a large metal ball. He liked the huge beach balls the clowns threw up into the audience during the opening sequence!

Most of the other kids were like me, preferring the acrobats. In my favorite scene, they had two people jump on a see-saw to propel a guy high in the air. I don't know how many flips he did before he landed in a chair on top of a pole, but it was at least 5.

My kids had never seen a real circus before, but I'm guessing when Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus comes back next year, they will want to be the first in line to buy tickets. It truly is the greatest show on earth!

** I am a Feld Family Ambassador and in exchange for my time and efforts in attending shows and reporting my opinion within this blog, as well as keeping you advised of the latest discount offers, Feld Entertainment has provided me with complimentary tickets to Feld shows and opportunities to attend private Feld pre-Show events. Even though I received these benefits, I always give an opinion that is 100% mine. **

Heading home


  1. Ummm . . . That's only 9 cents per person. Despite this glaring error, I still thought the circus sounded fun!


  2. Sounds like you had a perfect evening at the Circus. I think that it is really important for children to experience things like this. Glad they had fun!

  3. It is wonderful you take your entire family to places like the Circus and enjoy yourselves..It is also noted you get to go to many places being an ambassador with the provided tickets and your feedback to family friendly events!!! that said bravo with the family size you have one has to use ingenuity to get things for ones family, you are always on the outlook, only 2 in our family and when our daughter was young I won a huge trip to san diego sea world the station I won from threw in her airline ticket and ticket to sea world, because she was so polite and thrilled to go on the trip we were willing to pay, but the place never met anyone so polite and thrilled over a trip to sea world and san diego, she had been there once before even younger, never forgot it at all, I say it pays to teach one's children to be polite and to be happy!!!!!!!!!!!!! just saying! your family has manners, it shows in all you mention of your comings and goings, it makes all the world of difference in living in this world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
